
Cards (9)

  • What is speciation?
    Evolution of new species from existing ones
  • What is a species?
    group of individuals that have a common ancestry that share the same genes (but different alleles) and are capable of interbreeding to produce fertile offspring
  • members of a species are reproductively separated from other species
  • Allopatric speciation 

    -due to geographical isolation e.g barriers such as oceans and deserts
    -this prevents them interbreeding
    -if environmental conditions on both sides vary, different selection pressures occur
    -change in allele frequency occur
    -gene pools are separated and become reproductively isolated (unable to produce fertile offspring)
  • Sympatric speciation

    -occurs due to random mutations of species that live in the same area
    -become reproductively separated
    -differences in gene pools
    -unable to interbreed and produce fertile offspring (reproductively seperated)
  • behavioural changes

    -group of individuals develop changes in their courtship behaviours
    -no longer attracted to individuals of the opposite sex for mating
  • mechanical changes

    -changes in genitalia that prevents successful mating
  • seasonal changes

    -individuals from the same population develop different flowering/mating seasons
    -can become sexually active at different times compared to the rest of the population
  • Genetic drift

    -chance affects which individuals in the population survive, breed and pass on their alleles not selectional pressures or environmental factors
    -causes a change in the allele frequencies in the gene pool of a population