
Cards (10)

  • Variables
    Things that change or vary in the world, some of which may directly cause other changes
  • Experiment
    • Researchers attempt to hold most variables the same while manipulating and measuring other variables
  • Independent variable

    The variable that the researcher manipulates or changes
  • Dependent variable

    The variable that the researcher measures for changes
  • Covariate
    Variables measured in correlational studies to look for relationships
  • Extraneous variable

    Any other variable besides the independent variable that could influence the dependent variable
  • Confounding variable
    An extraneous variable that changes systematically with the levels of the independent variable
  • Controlling for extraneous variables
    1. Random allocation
    2. Matched pairs
    3. Counterbalancing
    4. Standardized procedures
    5. Single/double blind trials
    6. Pilot studies
    7. Peer review
  • Pilot studies are used to identify and correct extraneous variables before running the full study
  • Peer review involves showing the written study to other experts to get feedback and identify any missed extraneous variables