"A wife can't borrow without her husband's consent"
Kris to Nora
"A ________ cripple"
"Moral" - rank
"Hiding the bag of ____________"
"Macaroons" - Nora
"Squirrel would do lots of pretty tricks for you if you granted her wish"
Nora to Torvald
Use of sex
"Flicks him on the ear with the stockings"
Stage direction
Nora does this to rank
Overly sexual
"Dr rank this was really horrid of you"
Nora to rank after he admits his love
"Horrid" childish vocabulary
"He won't dare risk a scandal"
Kronstad to Nora about Torvald
Pates familias
"Ugly, unrecognisable, hairless"
Kronstad to Nora
Melodrama response to her suggesting suicide
"I did it entirely on my own"
Nora to Kristine
Taking responsibility
"Helmer must know the truth"
Kris to krog
"You ought to take up embroidery"
Torvald to Kristine
"My most treasured possession"
Torvald describing Nora
"My blood grew hot"
Torvald to Nora
Male gaze
Strong Link to merchants
"A hypocrite a lier... a criminal"
Torvald to Nora
Strong Lang
Contrast to fantasy on p92
"I am saved"
Torvald to Nora
Use of I
"I've ___________"
"Changed" - Nora to Torvald
"I never had _______________ but his"
"Any opinions" - Nora to Torvald
"Your ______wife"
"Papa's doll-child"
"Doll" - Nora
"I must ___________ myself"
"Educate" - Nora
"My duty towards myself"
Nora to Torvald
"I must make up my mind which is right - society or I."
"Rotting up there in the churchyard" - theme of death
Dr rank
"But, Nora darling you're dancing as if your life depended on it"
Torvald to Nora while she performs the tarentella dance
"I have no pappa to pay for my holidays, Nora"
Kristine to Nora
"Who would gladly lay down his life for you?"
Rank to Nora
"Never get anything in this life without paying for it"
"At the next masquerade, I shall be invisible"
Towards the end of the play Torvald gives huge speeches lecturing Nora on how he is disappointed in her. Nora proceeds to give very short answers showing the difference in male vs female power in this society
"Rotting in the _____________"
"Churchyard" - Dr Rank
"__________ sick"
Morally - Dr Rank
"Guilty of _______________"
"Indiscretion" - Krogstad
"Best thing for_____________?
"Both of you" - Mrs Linde
"You must not ________________________"
"Recall your letter" - Mrs Linde
"Another mans ______"?
"Sins" - krogstad
"______________ happiness"
"Ruined my entire" - Torvald
"Duties to your _______________________________________"