
Cards (8)

  • Reliability
    A measure of consistency, meaning a study or measuring device produces the same result when it's replicated
  • Reliability in Psychology

    • Methods of measuring Behavior have to give consistent results whenever they're used
    • Researching behaviors like personality and attachment are vaguer than length or weight
  • External reliability
    When the measure used is repeated another time, and the results are consistent with the first results
  • Internal reliability
    How consistent the different parts of a measure are with the other parts of that measure
  • Assessing internal reliability (split-half method)

    1. Split the measure into two parts
    2. Get participants to complete both parts
    3. Check how strongly the results of each half of the test correlate with the other half
  • Assessing external reliability (test-retest)

    1. Get the same participants to do the same study at a different time
    2. Check if they get the same results
  • Assessing inter-observer reliability

    1. Researchers create a list of Behavioral categories
    2. Two researchers separately use the same list to observe and record behaviors
    3. Compare their results to see if they're closely matched
  • Improving reliability
    • For observations: Train observers, operationalize behavioral categories
    • For interviews: Use structured format, carefully phrase questions
    • For questionnaires: Use closed questions, use established tests
    • For experiments: Use clear standardized procedure, control environmental conditions