Truine God Question

Cards (34)

  • Why is music important in worship (5)
    - Helps people feel more involved in their prayer -> singing hymns can create a greater connection with God ("the one who sings prays twice" - St Augustine)
    - unites people in praise of God -> congregation singing together in unity fosters unity of mind
  • Two ways psalms are used in worship / prayer (4)
    - Divine Office - collection of psalms and readings recited by priests, nuns and monks at least 4 times a day
    - Used during Mass -> part of the Liturgy of the Word and said or sung between the first and second readings + congregation saying the response to the psalms
  • Two reasons why psalms are used in worship (5)
    - From the old testament and have been used in worship for thousands of years -> using them in worship continues the traditional way of worshipping
    - Centered around the praise of God and touches on all aspects of life that humans experience -> shows that they acknowledge that everything people have comes from God and that without God they would have nothing ("the Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want")
  • Two contrasting types of music used in the Catholic liturgy(4)
    _ Plainchant music is accompanied -> no music accompanying the people singing in Latin
    - Contemporary worships music is accompanied by music -> people are singing in their own language with modern instruments e.g guitar
  • Two reasons why the Eucharistic acclamations are important for Catholics (5)
    - Sanctus allows people to praise God for his holiness -> word 'holy' is repeated 3 times to reflect Gods complete holiness and links to the trinity ("Holy, holy, holy")
    - Mystery of Faith praises the work of the salvation brought about by Jesus' death -> people proclaim that the consecration has been made present in the salvation offered by Jesus' death
  • Two contrasting terms used for the concept of the Triune God (4)
    - Triune God stresses the fact that within the one God there is three-ness -> the three persons within the one God are the eternal Father, Son and Holy Spirit
    - Trinity focuses on the distinctive qualities of each of the three persons - e.g. Holy spirit units the Father and Son in love
  • Importance of the Shema for understanding the Trinity (5)
    - stresses the fact that there is only one God ("the Lord is out God, the Lord alone") -> 'Lord alone' reinforces monotheism and the reality that no other Gods exist
    - Even though Christians have come the believe that God is three persons through the NT, Deut is a firm reminder that even though there are 3 persons there is only one God ->affirms the Christian belief that the Trinity of completely monotheistic
  • Two ways in which Matthew's account of the Baptism reveals the Trinity (5)
    - Eternals Father is revealed from the voice from Heaven ("This is my Son, the beloved, with whom I am well pleased") -> affirm an eternal fact that the Son and Father /prior to becoming a man in the incarnation
    - Holy Spirit represented by Dove which comes down and stays with Jesus -> reflect intimate relationship between Jesus and the Spirit and that the Spirit is the bond of love between Jesus and the Father ("the spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him")
  • Two beliefs about the Trinity expressed by Galatians 4:6 (5)
    - Refers to all 3 persons of the Trinity - Father, Son and Spirit - explains the relationship between the Trinity and a Christian as they are God's children and therefore brothers and sisters to Jesus - share in the life of the Trinity
    - Refers to the fact that God pours out the Holy Spirit into a Christians heart -> this is the love that unites the Father and Son filling a Christian with Grace ("And because you are children, God has spent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying 'Abba! Father!")
  • Two beliefs about the Trinity revealed in the Bible (5)
    - All persons of the Trinity co-exist with each other at the same time -> in Jesus' baptism where the Father, Son and Holy Spirit appeared in one scene
    - All persons of the Trinity chare and intimate and loving relationship with each other -> HS descends upon Jesus and remains with him ("the Spirit of God coming down like a dove and lighting on him)
  • Two beliefs about God in the Nicene Creed (5)
    - teaches the Father is the creator of all things -> created everything in the universe, on earth and in heaven ("I believe in one God, the Father almighty, the creator of heaven and earth")
    - teaches that the Father is 'almighty' -> omnipotent meaning all powerful and ties with his ability to create the universe out of nothing
  • Two beliefs about Jesus in the Nicene Creed (5)
    - teaches that the Son is eternal like the Father -> always existed with the Father and wasn't created by the Father ("the only begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages")
    - teaches the Son is truly "consubstantial with the Father" -> meaning Son is 'of one being' with the Father and stresses that the Father and Son have the same divine nature
  • Two beliefs about the Holy Spirit in the Nicene Creed (5)
    - teaches the Spirit is the breath of God that gives life to all things -> refers the the HS role in creation of the world in Genesis ("a wind from God swept over the face of the waters")
    - teaches that the Holy Spirit comes from both the Father and Son -> unites the father and Son eternally in love ("who proceeds from the Father and the Son")
  • Two ways in which the Trinity was involved in creation according to Genesis 1: 1-3
    - Jesus involved because God created by the means of his Word -> the Son is the Word of God ("let there be light")
    - HS wind from God -> Ruach can be translated to 'spirit' or 'breath' which portrays the HS
  • Two ways in which belied in the Trinity influences the life of Catholics today (5)
    - life of Trinity flows from the love between Father and Son (HS) -> this love overflows into the hearts of the believers as grace so the life of the Trinity is shared with believers today
    - life of the Trinity is shared with Christians through grace -> called to pass on this love to others through mission and evangelization ("If you see charity, you see the Trinity")
  • Two practical ways how belived in the Trinity affects the life of Catholics today (5)
    - Mission -> when people go out and fulfill a job they have e.g. charities helping the poor
    - Evangelism -> when people preach the good news about Jesus e.g. Christians pass of the gospel so that other can experience the joy of being a believer ("Go make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit")
  • Two reasons why it is important that all Catholic beliefs are in accordance with the Bible (2)
    - Bible is the word of God meaning God inspired the authors
    - What God wants Christians to believe
  • What does the Trinity being present at Jesus' baptism mean for the rest of his ministry?
    - Father Son and Spirit are present showing that the word done by Jesus is the word of God -> salvation brought by Jesus' death and resurrection was the work of the entire Trinity
  • Two ways which Mark 1:9-11 shows that God is a Trinity of 3 persons (4)
    - Father, Son and Spirit all appear at the same time at the Baptism -> they all co-exist together at the same time
    - Spirit remains with Jesus suggest that the HS guides Jesus -> means the HS is also involved in the work of saving humanity
  • Two beliefs about the Trinity in Galatians 4:6-7 (5)
    - God pours the HS into the hearts of the believers -> allows them to have a similar relationship to the Father as Jesus had ("God has sent the spirit of his Son into our hearts crying 'Abba! Father!")
    - believers receive the same Spirit that filled Jesus as its called the 'Spirit of his Son' -> shows that the relationship between the Father, Son and Spirit is shared with believers
  • Two beliefs about the Trinity and love according to St Augustine (5)
    - love can't exist on its own ->must be 3 things: person who loves, person receiving the love and the love that unites them
    - Trinity can be seen as three persons united in love -> Father loves Son, Son love Father and the love uniting them is the HS
  • Two reasons why Catherine LaCugna described the Trinity as a relationship (5)
    - each person of the Trinity is related to each other and to people -> e.g. Father begets Son meaning the Son is continually and eternally coming from the Father
    - Son came to Earth as Jesus to bring redemption and to save people by bringing them back to a relationship with the Father -> Son comes from Father to save humanity ("God is revealed in Christ and the Spirit as the mystery of love")
  • Two reasons why Catherine LaCugna believed that knowledge of the Trinity is based of God's self revelation (5)
    - only know God through what the Trinity has chosen to reveal -> e.g. when Son came to earth as Jesus to bring redemption - God is revealed as one who saves people by bringing them back to a relationship with the Father ("God is revealed in Christ and the Spirit as the mystery of love")
    - E.g. HS continually guiding believers towards the Father -> done in order to complete Jesus' work of redemption which reveals the Trinity outwardly through self-revelation
  • Two contrasting approaches to the study of the Trinity by theologians (4)
    - St. A. focused on the relationship within the Trinity -> 3 persons of the Trinity united by Love: Father loves Son, vice versa and HS is love that unites them
    - Catherine LaCugna focused on the outward effect of the Trinity abd thought that people were too focused on the inner life -> God's self-revelation so should learn to understand God through his actions
  • Two ways in which the Trinity contributes to people's redemption (5)
    - Jesus came to earth to save humans -> so they would be brought back to a positive relationship with God
    - HS continues the work of Jesus on Earth -> guides believers to complete the work of redemption that started with Jesus ("all things brought back to God... God all in all" -C.L)
  • Two reasons why the magisterial teachings are important for Catholics today (5)
    - God's way of communicating to believers -> Catholics believe HS inspires and guides the magisterium
    - Interprets the Bible's teachings for modern day issues -> don't allow abortion as it is considered murder ("thou shalt not kill")
  • Two teachings about the Trinity that were confirmed by the Council of Nicaea (50
    - Son is eternally begotten from the Father -> Son has no beginning or end
    - Father and Son have always existed together - co-eternal and have one nature (Jesus is "consubstantial with the Father")
  • Two teachings about the Trinity that were confirmed by the Council of Constantinople (5)
    - HS is the Lord and giver of life -> HS is involved in creating live ("breath swept over the water")
    - HS is worshipped with the father and son and speaks through the prophets
  • Two key symbols associated with baptism (4)
    - Immersion - symbolizes joining Christ in the tomb and then rising into a new life with the HS
    - Use of water to represent the HS -> during baptism, the person is filled with the HS who sustains their faith and commitment of God
  • Two ways in which baptism that a Christian is sharing in the life of the Trinity (4)
    - Total immersion -> enters the tomb with Christ and rises to a new life with the HS
    - Use of water - symbol of the HS who sustains their faith and commitment of God
  • Two Christian beliefs about the importance of baptism (5)
    - Believer become a member of the Church - > sign of initiation and follows Jesus' teaching when he said to baptize future generations ("Baptize them in the name of the Father, Son and HS")
    - Cleansed of original sin -> given the strength of the HS to resist further evil
  • Two beliefs about the importance of prayer as a raising of the heart and mind to God (5)
    - Convo between a believer and God -> person opens up to God through prayer ("prayer is turning the heart towards God")
    - Mass is the greatest form of prayer -> opens ones mind and heart to the sacrifice Jesus made for them
  • Two ways in which spontaneous prayer helps a believer to connect to god (5)
    - Guided by the HS in what to say -> sometimes HS prays through them which is called speaking in tongues ("The spirit helps us in our weaknesses for we do not know how to pray as we ought")
    - Helps reflect the persons relationship with God as it is said in the spur of the moment -> shows what the person is feeling which make you closer to God and build a good relationship with him
  • Two strengths of traditional prayer (4)
    - Words already laid out -> people don't have to think of their own words to use
    - Useful when people are upset -> use of familiar words/phrases may bring comfort to them