Cards (25)

  • First aid

    Immediate and temporary care
  • Improper first aid can do more harm
  • First aid

    • A bridge that fills the gap between the victim and physician
    • Not intended to compete with or take the place of the services of the physicians
    • Ends when the service of physician begins
  • First aider

    Person or rescuer who administers first aid
  • Characteristics of a good first aider
    • Gentle (does not cause pain and panic)
    • Observant (notices all signs)
    • Resourceful (makes the best use of things at hand)
    • Tactful (does not frighten the victim)
    • Sympathetic (comforts and reassures victims)
  • First aid procedure
    1. Ask for help
    2. Inspect the scene
    3. Face the victim & introduce yourself
    4. Intervene & conduct assessment
  • Procedure if victim is conscious
    1. Ask him/her about the situation
    2. Locate & assess injury
    3. Take note of the details that the victim will give you
    4. Perform the basic first aid procedure
    5. If you do not know the procedure, do not intervene and stay with the victim until medical care arrives
  • Procedure if victim is unconscious
    1. Tap the shoulders gently and check if conscious may return
    2. If the victim does not respond, perform primary assessment (circulation, airways, breathing)
    3. If circulation is absent, perform CPR
    4. If circulation & breathing are present, conduct secondary assessment (history, vital signs, head to toe examination)
    5. Remember and record the procedures done
    6. Stay with the victim and inform the medical professionals about the situation and procedures performed
  • Mary
    • Mother of Jesus Christ
    • Honored for bringing Jesus into the world
    • Celebrated for nurturing Jesus throughout his life
    • Symbol of purity, humility, devotion
    • Often depicted in art and literature
    • Embodies virtues of motherhood and faith
  • Mary's title "Mother of God"

    • Emphasizes Mary's unique role in salvation history
    • Emphasizes Jesus' dual nature as fully human and divine
    • Serves as comfort, guidance, and support for believers
  • Devotion to Mary

    • Prayers
    • Pilgrimages
    • Rosary recitation
  • Devotion to Mary extends beyond theological doctrine, influenced by religious art, music, literature, and popular devotion
  • Devotion to Mary reflects deep affection for both Mother of God and spiritual mother
  • Immaculate Conception
    The dogma states that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was conceived without original sin. This emphasizes Mary's unique role in salvation history as the vessel chosen to bear the Son of God.
  • Perpetual Virginity

    The dogma of Mary's perpetual virginity asserts that Mary remained a virgin before, during, and after the birth of Jesus. It underscores the sacred nature of the Incarnation and Mary's exceptional role.
  • Assumption of Mary
    The Assumption of Mary declares that at the end of her earthly life, Mary was taken up into heaven, body and soul. This dogma reflects the honor and exaltation accorded to Mary.
  • Intercession of Saints
    The belief in the intercession of saints holds that saints, as members of the Church triumphant, can intercede on behalf of the faithful. It emphasizes a connection between the Church on earth and the communion of saints in heaven.
  • The Beatitudes are a set of teachings by Jesus Christ that are found in the Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 5:3-12)
  • Justice
    • Seeking righteousness and hungering for justice, promoting fairness and truth in all actions
  • Mercy
    • Importance of showing mercy and offering forgiveness to others, which in turn leads to receiving mercy and compassion
  • The 8 Beatitudes

    • Blessed are the poor in spirit (Dependence on God, Honest confession of sins)
    • Blessed are they who mourn (Compassion for others, Showing deep sorrow)
    • Blessed are the meek (Humility behind success, Gentle and humble)
    • Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (Seek for truth, Promotes justice)
    • Blessed are the merciful (Offers authentic forgiveness)
    • Blessed are the clean of heart (Purity of thoughts, words, and actions)
    • Blessed are the peacemakers (Promotes peace at all times)
    • Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake (Fidelity to God)
  • The Holy Trinity
    • God the Father (Creator)
    • God the Son Jesus (Redeemer)
    • God the Holy Spirit (Sanctifier)
  • The Holy Spirit
    • Serves as sanctifier
    • Sanctification - the process of becoming like Jesus
    • Helps us to detach from our own pride, laziness, selfishness, and other bad attitudes
    • Came to the Apostles on Pentecost Day (50 days after Easter)
    • Made the Apostles brave in speaking about Jesus
    • Gave the Apostles peace
    • Reminds us that Jesus will be with us until the end of time
  • 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit

    • Wisdom
    • Understanding
    • Counsel
    • Fortitude
    • Knowledge
    • Piety
    • Fear of the Lord
  • Louise de Marillac
    • Born on August 12, 1591, in France
    • Faced challenges as an illegitimate child of noble family
    • Married Antoine Le Gras in 1613, had one son named Michel
    • Became a widow at age 34 after Antoine's death
    • Experienced a deepening of her faith and desire to serve God through helping the poor
    • Associated with St. Vincent de Paul, who became her spiritual advisor and mentor
    • Together with St. Vincent de Paul, founded the Daughters of Charity, a religious community dedicated to serving those in need
    • Canonized as a saint in 1934, remembered for her compassion, humility, and dedication to helping others