
Cards (14)

  • Debate
    Follows format, discussion or structured contest about an issue, method of interactive and representational argument
  • Sides in a debate

    • Affirmative side
    • Negative side
  • Purpose of debate
    To explore and resolve issues and problems
  • Motion for Debate

    Topic that will be the subject
  • Affirmative
    Agrees with the motion
  • Negative
    Disagrees with the motion
  • Moderator
    Oversees the debate
  • Formal Debate

    • Each speaker will be given a certain amount of time
    • Matter - What you say
    • Manner - How you say it
    • Method - How you structure it
  • Order of speakers in a formal debate

    1. 1st speaker on the Affirmative team
    2. 1st speaker on the Negative team
    3. 2nd speaker of the Affirmative
    4. 2nd speaker of the Negative
    5. 3rd speaker of the Negative
    6. 3rd speaker of the Affirmative
  • Cross Examination
    Period of time between speeches where opponents ask each other questions
  • Rebuttal
    Designed to weaken or undermine an opponent's claim
  • Points of Info (POI)

    Questions asked during the first minute and last minute of constructive speeches
  • Heckling
    To add substance
  • aggression (n): hostile behavior intended to harm someone or something