Risk Factor Assessment of NCD - Cigarette smoking, Nutrition or Diet, Overweight or Obesity, Physical inactivity or Sedentary Lifestyle, Excessive alcohol drinking
Weight – regular weighing is the simplest way of knowing if energy balance is being achieved
Body mass index - is calculated by weight in kilogram / height in meters
Waist circumference – accurate measure of the amount of visceral fat
Waist Hip Ratio (WHR) = waist circumference (cm) / hip circumference (cm)
Types of alcohol - Beer, Wine and Distilled spirit
Screening Guidelines and Procedures of NCD - Screening for Hypertension, Screening for elevated cholesterol in the blood, Screening for Diabetes mellitus, Screening for Cancer, Screening for COPD, Screening for Asthma,
Screening for Hypertension - Apparatus/instrument: mercury manometer, aneroid BP
Screening for Hypertension - Normal <120 / < 80 mm Hg, Prehypertension 120 – 139 / 80 – 89 mm Hg, Stage 1 Hypertension 140 – 159 / 90 – 99 mm Hg, Stage 2 Hypertension > 160 / >100 mm Hg
Screening for Diabetes mellitus - Hallmark of diagnosis: hyperglycemia, Family history of diabetes, Polyuria, Polydipsia, Polyphagia, Unexplained weight loss
Screening for elevated cholesterol in the blood - Laboratory test: Total blood cholesterol, Fasting: at least 8 hours
Special risk for Diabetes Mellitus - Hypertensive, Overweight, GDM
Screening for Cancer - early detection and prompt treatment are keys to curing cancer
Warning Signs of Cancer (CAUTION US) - a) Change in bowel and bladder habits b) A sore does not heal c) Unusual bleeding or discharge d) Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere e) Indigestion and difficulty in swallowing f) Obvious change in wart or mole g) Nagging cough or hoarseness of voice h) Unexplained anemia i) Sudden weight loss
Screening for COPD - Spirometry – determines the degree of obstruction
Screening for Asthma - Family history of asthma or allergy, Personal history of allergic rhinitis or asthma
5 Preventable or Treatable conditions according to NATIONAL PREVENTION OF BLINDNESS PROGRAM - a. Cataract b. Refractive errors and low vision c. Trachoma d. Onchocerciasis e. Childhood blindness
75% of blindness in the Philippines is a result of three preventable or treatable conditions, what is it? - a. Cataract, b. Refractive errors and low vision, c. Childhood blindness
VISION 2020 - The right to sight, is a global initiative to eliminate avoidable blindness by the year 2020.
Vision of NATIONAL PREVENTION OF BLINDNESS PROGRAM - All Filipinos enjoy the right to sight by year 2020
Mission - The DOH, Local Health Units, partners stakeholders commit to: Strengthen partnership among and with stake holders to eliminate avoidable blindness in the Philippines, Empower communities to take proactive roles in the formation of eye health and prevention of blindness, Provide access to quality eye care services for all.
Goal - Reduce the prevalence of avoidable blindness in the Philippines through provision of quality eye care
Cataract - Opacification of the normally clear lens of the eye, Most common cause of blindness world wide, Found mostly in older groups and surgery
Surgery - is the only cure for cataract blindness
Errors of refraction - Common cause of visual impairment in the country, Corrected either with spectacle glasses , contact lenses and surgery
Childhood blindness - Highly specialized services that are needed to diagnose and treat and Screening of children for any sign of visual impairment can be done by pediatricians, school clinics and health workers.
Mental Health - state of well being where a person can realize his or own abilities to cope with normal stresses of life and work productively.
Four Facet of Mental Health Problems - 1. Defined Burden, 2. Undefined Burden, 3. Hidden burden, 4. Future burden
Chronic glomerulonephritis - used to be the most common cause of ESRD in the third world countries. It usually affects children, adolescents and young adults in their protective years.
Vision of RENAL DISEASE CONTROL PROGRAM - Healthy and empowered Filipinos by the year 2020 with reduced mortality and morbidity from kidney disease, in a society which has an established modern health system that can efficiently and effectively address the current and emerging problems of the renal system.
Kidney Disease - It ranks as the number 10 killer in the Philippines, causing death to about 7,000 Filipinos every year
RENAL DISEASE CONTROL PROGRAM - Started as DOH- Preventive Nephrology Project (PNP), with NKTI as the main implementing agency
RENAL DISEASE CONTROL PROGRAM - lasted from January 1994 to December 1999
In January 2000, the PNP or Preventive Nephrology Projectwas renamed as? - REDCOP
RA 7170 - also known as Organ Donation Act of 1991
25 organs and tissues may be donated for transplantation - Organs: Heart, Liver, Pancreas, Kidneys - Tissues: Bone and cartilage (bone marrow), Cornea, Skin
Health Promotion - Promote physical activity and exercise, Promote stress management, Promote proper nutrition, Promote a smoke-free environment
Nutrition - related problems that lead to NCD
Obesity – associated with heart attack, stroke, DM, arthritis and CA
Increased fat intake – linked with atherosclerosis / hardening of arteries