
Cards (27)

  • Quotes about God’s omnibenevolence
    • ‘God is Love‘
    • ’For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son'
  • How does belief in the nature of God influence Christians?
    • Omnibenevolence comforts Christians as it provides them hope that their sins will be forgiven
    • To be just in their conduct, reflecting the fact that God is ’a God of Justice’
  • Theodicies (argument against inconsistent triad’)
    1. Free Will Defence - Moral evil is caused by human beings, who God has lovingly given free will
    2. St Augustine argues that evil and suffering are caused by the original sin as their actions brought sin into the world and caused humans to be born sinful. St Paul says ‘when adam sinned, evil entered the world’
    3. John Hick proposed a ‘soul making theodicy’ - this world is a ‘vale of soul making’ where we learn and grow in response to suffering. St Paul also said ‘suffering produces perseverance’
  • What is salvation?
    Being saved; belief through God’s grace and Jesus’ death and resurrection brough salvation for humanity
    • Being able to enter heaven
    • Achieved through believing in God and Jesus
  • Quotes about salvation
    • ‘The lamb of God who takes sins away from the world’
    • ’Christ died for our sins’
  • How does belief in what God is like influence Christians?
    • To worship God - they would want to worship someone who is omnipotent, omnibenevolent and just. Thank him for creating the world
    • To have hope for forgiveness of sins - as God is omnibenevolent pray for salvation
  • Quote for God being just
    ‘He is a God of justice’
  • Quote for God’s omnipotence
    ‘With God all things are possible’ - Jesus
  • Explain two beliefs about the trinity
    • God is one but has three different forms, the Father, Son & Holy Spirit. While the are different forms God is still one
    • Each form has different roles. For Example, the father created the world, the son atoned for humanity’s sins and the Holy Spirit is always with humans
  • Why is belief in the Trinity important for Christians
    • It helps Christians understand the complex nature of God
    • Shows that Jesus is the incarnation of God
    • Teaches Christian that God is one and that Christianity is monotheistic
  • Quotes about Trinity
    • ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth’
    • ‘I and the Father are one’ - Jesus
  • Two ways in which Christians may understand the Creation
    • Fundamentalists interpret the Bible literally as it is the word of God. Therefore they accept that the world was created in six days and will reject scientific discoveries
    • Liberal Christians interpret the Bible in a metaphorical way. They believe that God created the world but science explains how God created it
  • What is incarnation?
    The embodiment of God in the person of Christ
  • Why do Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God?
    • The Nicene Creed teaches that Jesus is ‘the only begotten Son of God’
    • The resurrection and ascension are seen as proof that he was divine
    • When Jesus was baptised by John, God said ‘this is my son’
  • Quotes about the incarnation
    • ’The Father and I are one’
    • ’The only begotten Son of God’ - Nicene Creed
    • ’The Word became flesh and is dwelling among us’
  • How can salvation be achieved?
    • Following God’s law - ‘The righteous will inherit the Kingdom of God’
    • Through faith in Jesus Christ
  • Beliefs about heaven in Christianity
    • It is a physical place
    • It is a spiritual state of being united with God for eternity “you will be with me in paradise”
    • You earn it through belief in jesus and through doing good
  • Beliefs about hell in Christianity
    • It is a physical place - ‘The fiery lake of burning sulfur’
    • It is a state of separation from God. ‘eternal separation from God’
    • ‘Wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God’
  • Explain two Christian beliefs about the ressurection
    • He rose from the dead three days after his crucifixion. This shows his power over death
    • It is also evidence that Jesus is God incarnate as no human would be able to do this
  • How does belief in resurrection influence Christians today?
    • Gives Christians hope that death is not the end
    • Proves that Jesus was the son of God and validates their teachings
  • How does creation influence christians today?
    • As it is God’s creation they will take care of the earth
    • Worship him as they are thankful
  • How does the ascension influence Christians?
    • Demonstrates that Jesus is the son of God
    • Assures Christians they will rise again after death, therefore they will try to live a good life
  • How does belief in the incarnation influence Christians?
    • As Jesus is the Son of God, they will follow his teachings
    • They will have hopes in time of struggle as God has been a human and therefore has struggled
  • Explain Christian beliefs about original sin
    • Sin entered the world because of it. ‘When Adam sinned, evil entered the world’
    • Jesus atoned for the orignal sin. ‘God reconciled himself through Christ’
  • How does belief in the crucifixion influence Christians?
    • They will ask for forgiveness for their sins as Jesus died for them
    • They will worship God to thank him for sacrificing his son
  • Explain two beliefs about the crucifixion
    • God understand human pain and suffering as he experienced it through Jesus
    • He was crucified to atone for humanity’s sins. ‘Christ died for our sins’
  • Explain two Christian beliefs about the ascension
    • It happened 40 days after the crucifixion and he ascended to heaven to be with God
    • It showed that Jesus is the son of God