macbeth quotes

Cards (91)

  • When shall we three meet again?- the witches
  • When the battle's lost, and won- the witches
  • Fair is foul, and foul is fair- the witches
  • All's too weak for brave Macbeth- the Captain
  • His brandished steel, which smoked with bloody execution- the Captain
  • He unseamed him from the nave to th'chaps- the Captain
  • What he hath lost, noble Macbeth hath won- king Duncan
  • Thrice to thine, and thrice to mine- the witches
  • So foul and fair a day I have not seen- Macbeth
  • All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter- the witches
  • If you can look into the seeds of time and say which grain will grow and which will not- Banquo
  • All hail Macbeth and Banquo, Banquo and Macbeth all hail- the witches
  • The Thane of Cawdor lives. Why do you dress me in borrowed robes?- Macbeth
  • The instruments of darkness tell us truths; win us with honest trifles, to betray us in deepest consequence- Banquo
  • Cannot be ill, cannot be good- Macbeth
  • Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair and make my seated heart knock at my ribs- Macbeth (aside)
  • Nothing is, but what is not- Macbeth
  • There's no art to find the mind's construction in the face- king Duncan
  • Stars, hide your fires, let not light see my black and deep desires. The eye wink at the hand- Macbeth (aside)
  • My dearest partner of greatness- Macbeth
  • I do fear thy nature, it is too full of the milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way- Lady Macbeth
  • The fatal entrance of Duncan under my battlements- Lady Macbeth
  • Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here- Lady Macbeth
  • Take my milk for gall, you murd'ring ministers- Lady Macbeth
  • Look like th'innocent flower, but be the serpent under't- Lady Macbeth
  • This even handed justice commends th'ingredience of our poisoned chalice to our own lips- Macbeth (soliloquy)
  • Only vaulting ambition which o'erleaps itself and falls on th'other- Macbeth (soliolquy)
  • When you durst do it, then you were a man- Lady Macbeth
  • Plucked my nipple from his boneless gums and dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you have done to this- Lady Macbeth
  • False face must hide what the false heart doth know- Macbeth
  • Is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand?- Macbeth (soliloquy)
  • Art thou but a dagger of the mind, a false creation- Macbeth (soliloquy)
  • It is the bloody business which informs thus to mine eyes- Macbeth (soliloquy)
  • Nature seems dead, and wicked dreams abuse the curtained sleep- Macbeth (soliloquy)
  • For it is a knell, that summons thee to heaven, or to hell- Macbeth
  • That which hath made them drunk, hath made me bold- Lady Macbeth
  • That death and nature do contend about them, whether they live or die- Lady Macbeth
  • This is a sorry sight- Macbeth
  • A foolish thought, to say a sorry sight- Lady Macbeth
  • I could not say 'Amen'- Macbeth