The tongue, senseoftaste. Detects chemicalstimuli from substances mixed with saliva.
explain the element of the tongue
papillae are folds of the epidermis in the tongue. it have taste buds, contain chemoreceptors that are connected to the nervoussystem
what are tastes
name the 5 tastes
• Sweet • Salty • Sour • Bitter • Umami
define smell
The nose, sense of smell. Detects chemicalstimuli from substances in the air. The sensations are smells.
name the elements of smell
nostrils, respiratory mucous membrane, olfactorymucousmembrane, olfactorybulb, and olfactorynerve
define touch
Skin, sense of touch.Different receptors, stimuli. Are distributed, different parts of the body have different levels of feeling.
name the elements of touch
free-nerve endings, ruffinicorpuscles, pacinian corpuscles, and meissnerortactilecorpuscles
name the diseases in taste, smell and touch
IN THE MOUTH In teeth.Caries/infections IN THE NOSE Rhinitis, inflammation of respiratory mucous membrane, congestion and breathing difficult. IN THE SKIN Burns, urticaria, allergic reaction or psoriasis (chronic skin disease).
Mouth hygiene, brush your teeth and tongue. • Showerdaily and wash your hands regularly. • Avoid excess of ultravioletradiation.