Cards (31)

  • Cultural relativism
    A belief that cultures are equally complex. There is no such thing as superior or inferior culture because it is a way of viewing the beliefs, values, and practices of a culture from its own viewpoint
  • Ethnocentrism
    A belief that one's own culture is better than others. They tend to compare, evaluate, and even judge other people's ways based on the values and standards set in one's own culture
  • Xenocentrism
    The tendency to value the culture or even ideas from a country other than one's own as better. It shows that foreign products are much better than anything made locally
  • Symbols
    • Objects, words, or actions that stand for something that is culturally defined
    • Help people understand the world
  • Functions of symbols

    • Transfer culture, ideologies, or beliefs from one group to another
    • Preserve traditions or beliefs of a certain group
    • Contain "hidden" values that hold greater meaning and importance than the face value
    • Create movements, spread ideas, and share advocacies that surpasses time and distance
  • Types of symbols

    • Cultural symbol
    • Social symbol
    • Political symbol
    • Economic symbol
  • Cultural symbol

    A manifestation that signifies ideology of a particular culture that has meaning within that culture
  • Cultural practices in the Philippines

    • Traditional Medical Practices
    • Religious/Spiritual Practices
    • Culinary Practices
  • Social symbol

    Symbols relating to human societies and its modes of organization (social classes, social problems, social issues)
  • Political symbol

    Used to represent a political standpoint; seen in various media and forms such as banners and flag
  • Economic symbol

    Used in production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services like currency, market, labor, demands and other economic activities
  • The usage of symbols and symbolism have given mankind an avenue to communicate with different groups of people, influence others of different ideologies, and preserve values that were transferred from generations to generations
  • People are the most significant symbol of a nation
  • Socialization
    The process of learning one's society and its culture. It is moreover the same as interacting, mingling and being with other people or groups within/ outside of your society
  • Agents of socialization
    • Family
    • School
    • Peer
    • Social Media
    • Community, Church, and Government
  • Socialization is a central process in social life. It's a process of working together in developing responsibility in our community. Individual learns to conform to the norms and values in a group and develops his/her own self by learning and knowing about his/her own self from the others
  • Types of socialization

    • Primary socialization
    • Secondary socialization
    • Anticipatory socialization
    • Professional socialization
    • Re-socialization
  • Primary socialization
    It occurs early in a child's lifestyle and is primarily due to have an impact directly from the family. Through fundamental socialization, a baby learns basic societal norms and customs
  • Secondary socialization
    It occurs when a person learns on appropriate behavior to be displayed within a smaller group which still part of a larger society
  • Anticipatory socialization

    Adolescence is initiated between the ages of childhood and adulthood. During this stage, an individual start to learn about their group culture and what they should expect in the future
  • Professional socialization
    This process of socialization occurs during the early years of an individual's life. It develops his/her skills and attitudes for the future and prepares him for the various roles and responsibilities that he will assume as an adult
  • Re-socialization

    When an individual moves to a new group, he has to learn the new values and beliefs of the new group. This process of re-socialization helps him to get used to the new ways of life
  • Enculturation occurs when cultural knowledge is passed on to the next bearer which will perpetuate and ensure the continuance of their traditions and practices
  • Results of enculturation/socialization

    • Identity Formation
    • Norms and Values
    • Status
  • Achieved status

    A person has earned or chosen based on his/her abilities and hard work. This is usually signified by a certain profession
  • Ascribed status

    Is not earned, and it is not something that people have control over. For instance, it can be ascribed to a person's race or sex
  • Socialization is connected to freedom of expression, but there's always a limitation
  • Politics
    The art of government, the activity of control inside the society through the settling on and authorization of choices
  • Characteristics of politics

    • Use or threat of use of legal force
    • Interactions
    • Interdependence of Parts
  • Politics is not for politicians, politics is for the people
  • Preamble of the Philippine Constitution: 'We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society, and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our posterity, the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate this constitution.'