Earnings per share is the determinant of the market price of ordinary share, thus indicating attractiveness of ordinary share as an investment
Two types of Earnings per Share: Basic Earnings per Share and Diluted Earnings per Share
BEPS = (Net Income - Preference Dividends) / Weighted Average Number of Ordinary Share Outstanding
WAOS means Weighted average number of Ordinary Shares Outstanding
Preference Dividends
Non-cumulative, Declared = current only
Non-cumulative, Not Declared = ignore
Cumulative, Declared = current only
Cumulative, Not Declared = current only
Weighted Average Shares
Ordinary Shares Issued: Exchange for Cash
Date of Issue: When Cash is Receivable
Weighted Average Shares
Ordinary Shares Issued: Conversion of Debt Instrument
Date of Issue: Date that interest ceases to accrue
Weighted Average Shares
Ordinary Shares Issued: In place of interest / principal on other financial instruments
Date of Issue: Date that interest ceases to accrue
Weighted Average Shares
Ordinary Shares Issued: Exchange for settlement of liability
Date of Issue: Settlement Date
Weighted Average Shares
Ordinary Shares Issued: Acquisition of an Asset
Date of Issue: Date that acquisition is recognized
Weighted Average Shares
Ordinary Shares Issued: Rendering of services to the entity
Date of Issue: Date that services are rendered
Weighted Average Shares
Ordinary Shares Issued: Part of purchase consideration of business combination
Date of Issue: Date of acquisition
Weighted Average Shares
Ordinary Shares Issued: Conversion of mandatory convertible instrument
Date of Issue: Date that contract is entered into
Weighted Average Shares
Ordinary Shares Issued: Subscribed ordinary shares or partly paid shares
Date of Issue: On the date of subscription
Share Split / Share Dividends
The effect happens on WAOS
Share Split / Share Dividends
Shares are adjusted as of the share dividends and/or share split occurred at the beginning of the reporting period.
Dilution arises when the inclusion of the potential ordinary shares decreases the basic earnings per share or increases the basic loss per share.
DEPS (as if scenario)
Convertible preference share is converted into ordinary share
DEPS (as if scenario)
Convertible bond payable is converted into ordinary share
DEPS (as if scenario)
Share Options and Warrants are excercise
Convertible Preference Shares to Preference Dividends
Convertible Bonds Payable and Share Options & Warrants to WAOS
Convertible Bond Payable assumes that the preference share is converted into ordinary shares.
DEPS - Convertible Preference Shares
(Net Income) / WAOS + Ordinary Shares issued if Preference Shares are converted
Convertible Preference Shares
Numerator: Do not deduct preference dividends
Denominator: The issuance date of the convertible preference shares is the basis for the number of months outstanding in the weighted average shares computation
DEPS - Convertible Bond Payable
(Net Income - Preference Dividends + Interest Expense, net of tax) / WAOS + Ordinary shares issued of bonds are converted
Convertible Bonds Payable
Numerator: + Interest expense, net of tax (take note of the issuance date)
Denominator: The issuance date of the convertible bonds is the basis for the number of months outstanding in the weighted average shares computation.
Share options are granted to employees enabling them to acquire ordinary shares of the entity at a specified price during a definite period of time.
Share warrants are granted to shareholders enabling them to acquire ordinary shares of the entity at a specified price during a definite period of time.
DEPS - Options and Warrants
Denominator: Shares from the option exercise - [(shares from the option exercise x Option price) / market value]
DEPS - Options and Warrants
It is important to take note of issuance date and exercise date
Include both revenues ans gains.
On sale of goods,
The entity has transferred to the buyer the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods.
On sale of goods, the entity retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree usually associated with ownership nor effective control over the goods sold
On sale of goods and services, The amount of revenue can be measured reliably.
On sale of goods and services, It is probable that the economicbenefit associated with the transaction will flow to the entity.
On sale of goods, The costs incurred or to be incurred in respect of the transaction can be measured reliably.
On services, The stageofcompletion of the transaction at the balance sheetdate can be measured reliably
On services, The costs incurred for the transaction and the costs to completethe transaction can be measured reliably.
There is evidence of an arrangement between buyer and seller.
The product has been delivered, or the service has been rendered.