Body of the penis - is composed of three cylindrical masses of tissue, each surrounded by dense irregular connective tissue called the tunica albuginea
The two dorsolateral masses are called the corpora cavernosa penis. The smaller midventral mass, the corpus spongiosum penis, contains the spongy urethra and keeps it open during ejaculation
Glans penis - The distal end of the corpus spongiosum penis is a slightly enlarged, acorn-shaped region. Its margin is the corona
External urethral orifice - The distal urethra enlarges within the glans penis and forms a terminal slitlike opening
Prepuce - covering the glans in an uncircumcised penis
Root of the penis - is the attached portion (proximal portion)
Bulb of the penis - the expanded posterior continuation of the base of the corpus spongiosum penis
Crura of the Penis - the two separated and tapered portions of the corpora cavernosa penis
The weight of the penis is supported by two ligaments that are continuous with the fascia of the penis. (1) The fundiform ligament arises from the inferior part of the linea alba. (2) The suspensory ligament of the penis arises from the pubic symphysis
Erection - the enlargement and stiffening of the penis
Sexual Intercourse - the insertion of the erect penis into the vagina
Priaprism - refers to a persistent and usually painful erection of the penis that does not involve sexual desire or excitement
Ejaculation - the powerful release of semen from the urethra to the exterior, is a sympathetic reflex coordinated by the lumbar portion of the spinal cord
Emission - the discharge of a small volume of semen before ejaculation. Emission may also occur during sleep (nocturnal emission). The musculature of the penis (bulbospongiosus, ischiocavernosus, and superficial transverse perineal muscles), which is supplied by the pudendal nerves, also contracts at ejaculation