To socialise new members into society by transmitting society's culture from one generation to the next
Functions of Education:
Social Solidarity
Specialist Skills
Secondary Socialisation
Sifting & Sorting
Refers to society using the organic analogy
Believes society operates similar to human body , just like the body needs organs to function ,
society needs key institutions to function such as family and education system
Without education society will collapse as it preforms positive functions
Main functions:
Social solidarity (through Curriculum)
Specialist Skills(Literacy & Obedience)
Durkheim: Social Solidarity
education system promotes feeling of belonging and togetherness between pupils through school community
education system transmits society's culture from one generation to the next creating value consensus
schools acts as a miniature society and teaches us to interact with others as school members in preparation for being adult members of society
Durkheim: Social Solidarity
National curriculum creates social solidarity and transmits shared culture of pride of nation through
English - learn about renowned writers such as Shakespeare
History - instils sense of shared heritage and commitment to wider social groups i.e. suffragettes war hero's , medicine advancement
Durkheim: Social Solidarity
Marxist view- it only transmits ideology of the ruling class which persuades people inequality is fair and just
Ethnocentric view- Priority is given to white culture and history so ethnic minority feel excluded Therefore no social solidarity , as only shows negative side of ethnic minority groups like slavery even though Britain is multicultural
Durkheim: Specialist Skills
education system teaches children specialist skills needed for modern economy
at school we are taught specialist skills- to read and write but also skills of time management , problem solving and leadership
specialist skills enables children to take their place in division of labour
Durkheim: Specialist Skills
Rose tinted and ignores negatives
New Right- the skills taught by schools don't always lead to getting good job Therefore more people on welfarebenefits e.g.
Wolf Review found 16-19 years old did courses that doesn't lead to higher education or good jobs
Postmodernist- the specialist skills taught are outdated as it doesn't adequately educate for the future as education system hasn'tchanged so it only teaches basics e.g.
Apple CEO- calls of education reform to prepare children for digitally advancing world and teach them those skills
Parson: Secondary Socialisation
Believes education is a bridge between home and workplace as they have different values
Ascribed status
Judged by Particularistic Value{standards}
Teaches to be judged by Universalistic Values{standards}
As it is Meritocratic
Achieved Status
Judged by Universalistic Values{standards}
Meritocracy[ down to ones ability}
Main function of education system
Secondary socialisation- done through national curriculum, same national exams, same mark scheme ensuring meritocracy
Parson: Secondary Socialisation
School is a focal socialisation agency
School is a bridge between the family and society so students get used to meritocracy
education system helps to assess ones suitability for future roles in society based on theirability
Parson: Secondary Socialisation
believes we can achieve status by our own ability and hard work(due to meritocratic system) Therefore everyone should strive to achieve full potential
education system is beneficial for society as results in most capable being socialised in the most functionally important jobs in society
school judges everybody by same universalistic standards and impersonal values to prepare kids for wider society where everyone has equal opportunity to succeed through own ability
What is Particularistic Values{standards}
Where you are judged biasedly compared to others due to personal relationship with parent
What is Universalitic Values{standards}
Judged equally compared to everyone else there is no bias
Marxist view- Meritocracy is a Myth , children of wealth have more opportunities and better resources leading to higher qualifications so better jobs =NO EQUALOPPORTUNITY TO SUCCED, those who don't succeed blame themselves leading to them having false class conscious
Interactionalist- Functionalist ignore free will as not all students will passively accept school rules or teaching Therefore socialisation isn't always successful
Davis and Moore: Sifting and Sorting
education system is to allocate people to certain roles in society
sifting and sorting pupils according to their ability and effort into future careers~
education system is meritocratic
education system justifies and legitimises inequality as natural and desirable
by rewarding the hard and talented workers
people who work hardest and talented get most rewarding jobs(role allocation) - to make society function properly
Davis and Moore: Sifting and Sorting
Most rewarding jobs are Doctors, Teachers , Mechanic
Blau and Duncan say modern econmy depends on humancapitial(amount of knowledge and skill in workforce) for success
Therefore one should put most ability and effort in education system[ as only to blame if fail and get bad job]
Davis and Moore: Sifting and Sorting
schools function to select and allocate pupils to their future work roles in society thats meritocratic
education system is a means for sifting and sorting eople into different levels of the job market
education system makes sure most talented and qualified individuals are allocated most important and Therefore most rewarding jobs
pupils have to sit exam and those with best results get most important and highly rewarding positions , jobs
This legitimises social inequality as success is seen as deserved
Davis and Moore: Sifting and Sorting
Evidence suggest class , gender and ethnicity have significant role in determining achievement
Marxist View- Resources are exspensive as well as tutiton fees so lower class are at a disadvantage when it comes to achievement Therefore dont get the rewarding jobs
Feminist Views- Girls even though statistically get better results than boys in school dont get the most important rewarding roles due to society being patriarchal leading to girls being pushed in the expressive role