Cards (10)

  • Passive Reader is someone who takes the text very literally. This reader able to view the text on its surface.
  • Active Reader is someone who interacts with the text. This reader engage in a “dialogue” with the writer.
  • A text is a written part of the story, what happens and what is stated on the page. It is everything you see that is not implied.
  • Context refers to the situation or circumstances surrounding a text. It may be about political, religious, social, cultural, or even personal
  • Intertexuality is the interconnectedness and interdependence between languages, images, characters, and themes in the context of reading.
  • Hypertext is a term that was first coined by an American professor, web-designer, and author, Theodor Holm Nelson, refers to texts and any other related information on screen.
  • Hypertext is a series of chunks connected by links that offer readers different pathways. It is non- linear or multi linear that allows reader’s navigation control
  • Explicit Information - It refers to the ideas that are directly stated in the text.
  • Implicit Information - It pertains to the ideas that are implied or suggested. In other words, it is not directly stated.
  • A claim is the central point or the main argument of an author.