GuiltyMind (stateofmind at the time of the offence)
To be found guilty of a crime, when must the actus reus and Mens Rea take place
Definition of a result crime
ActusReus of a crime causes a particularresult
Example of a result crime
murder, GBH
Definition of a conduct crime
Undertaking a particularbehaviour or action where MensRea is not required
Example of a Conduct Crime
2 Principles Of Actus Reus
1. Voluntary
2. PositiveAction
What is the Voluntary Principle?
ActusReus must be committedVoluntarily
Which case refers to Actus Reus being Voluntary
Hill v Baxter
Summarise Hill V Baxter
Judge gave exemptions to the voluntaryprinciple.
I.e losingcontrol of a car due to a swarmofbees.
What is Held in Hill V Baxter
ActusReus must be committedvoluntarily
What is the exception to the voluntary principle
Definition of "state of affairs"
Being in a particularstateofaffairs where the ActusReus is involuntary but D is still charged.
Which case describes state of affairs
Summarise the case "Winzar"
Drunkdefendanttooktohighway by police after being ordered to leave hospital, and then beingcharged for "beingdrunkonahighway"
What is held in "Winzar"
Defendant found guilty, even though ActusReus was involuntary.
Can actus reus be committed by an Omission?
Mostly not
Exceptions to Actus Reus needing to be a positive action:
1. Parliament has created an offence for failuretoact
2. D is under a dutytoact
Give an example of a crime made by parliament which is committed by failure to act
Failure to report a road traffic incident
What are the 5 duties to act
1. ContractualDuty
2. Duty by relationship
3. DutyVoluntarilyassumed
4. Duty by position of publicoffice
5. Duty because of creation of a dangeroussituation
1) A contractual duty
Defendant fails to act undercontractofemployment
Case for contractual Duty
R v Pittwood
Summarise R v Pittwood
Defendant failed to close the railwaycrossing, as a result someone was struck by atrain and died
What was held in R v Pittwood
failure to shut the gate formed the actusreus of manslaughter, as he was under contractualduty to act.
Case for duty by relationship
Gibbins and Proctor
Summarise Gibbins and Proctor
Childstarvedtodeath after father and stepmother failed to feed her
What was held in Gibbins and proctor
Parents failuretoact formed ActusReus for murder because of a duty by relationship
3) A duty which has been voluntarily assumed:
voluntarily assuming care and responsibility for another
Case for duty voluntarily assumed
Stone and Dobinson
Stone and Dobinson
Lowintelligence couple with learning difficulties invited elderlysister to live with them as she was unable to careforherself. But she died as a result
What was held in Stone and Dobinson
Defendants were liable for the death due to dutyofcarevoluntarilyassumed.
4) A duty because of a position in public office:
Duty due to role serving in publicoffice
Give an example of a public office position
Case for duty because of position in public office
R v Dytham
Summarise R v Dytham:
Police Officerfailed to intervene after witnessing a violentattack.
What was held in R v Dytham
D was guilty of misconduct due to failing to intervene in his position of publicoffice
5) A duty because of creation a dangerous situation:
D sets in motion a dangerousseries of events, and fails to prevent harmoccurring
Case for duty because of creation of a dangerous situation
R v Miller
Summarise R v Miller
Defendant failed to extinguish a fire created by fallingasleep while smoking. He then went to sleep in anotherroom.