
Cards (11)

  • A priority queue is a data structure that allows at least the following two operations: insert, which does the obvious thing; and deleteMin, which finds, returns, and removes the minimum element in the priority queue.
  • The insert operation is the equivalent of enqueue, and deleteMin is the priority queue equivalent of the queue’s dequeue operation.
  • greedy algorithms

    Operate by repeatedly finding a minimum
  • PriorityQueue
    Insert, findMin, and deleteMin are expressed via calls to add, element, and remove
  • The PriorityQueue can be constructed either with no parameters, a comparator, or another compatible collection
  • It is unfortunate that the library designers did not choose to make PriorityQueue an interface
  • deleteMin for binomial queues
    1. Find minimum index
    2. Remove minimum item
    3. Construct H''
    4. Construct H'
    5. Merge
  • The leftist heap is a wonderful example of the power of recursion
  • The skew heap represents a remarkable data structure because of the lack of balance criteria
  • The binomial queue shows how a simple idea can be used to achieve a good time bound
  • Priority queues have uses ranging from operating systems scheduling to simulation