
Cards (5)

  • Artificial selection
    • our way of selective breeding (similar to ns)
    • modify a useful spp (ex: chicken to lay most eggs)
    • agent of selection is humans
    • common in agriculture
  • Direct Observation of evolutionary change
    • antibiotic resistance in bacteria
    • some bacteria, natural variants, are going to survive antibiotics
    • reproduce + create pops of resistant bacteria
  • Direct obs of evolutionary change
    • response to introduced spp
    • move a spp from native location to a new geologic location
    • Ex: Soapberry bug (have a beak = hollow, needlelike thus really good for feeding on seeds. Native pop found in southern FL, they like to eat balloon vine seeds found within plump, round fruits = long beaks. Pop in Central FL, there are no balloon vine seeds only golden rain tree seeds within flatter fruits. Thus, the seeds are closer to the surface, so the beaks are going to be short on soapberry bugs here.
  • prediction from example
    • NS will result in shorter beaks in CF pop
    • conclusion: if you change food size, you get evolution via NS for matching beak + fruit size
  • Summary
    • NS is a process of EDITING
    • NS edits the peak depending on resource + env (from ex, concept applies to other scenarios)
    • NS is dependent on TIME + PLACE (ENV)