Best for subtle delivery of poetical text written in Japanese metrical form of alternating seven and five syllables
Instruments used in ChineseOpera
Means loyalty, fierceness, andsharpness
Blue mask in Kabuki Theater
Means villainy, jealousy, andothernegativetraits
Wayang Kulit
Used to accompany chanting, singing, andstageaction
Wayang Kulit
A theater art presentation that is considered as a puppet theater
A kind of Japanese theater has oversized, supernatural, and rough hero styles
The musical instrument used in performing Wayang Kulit
A professional drumming troupe in Japan played a big role in popularizing their drum festival
Two main styles of music in Peking Opera
Dalang knocks the puppet box
Characterized as a creative, pamorous and flexible puppeteer
Performed in a stylized manner that combines acting singing and dancing
Perseverance, effort and courage is seen in Japanese costume
Best defined as meanandsecretivecharacter
One of the fundamental components of Wayang Kulit performance means a light source
Mie in Kabuki
The picturesque pose to establish actor's character
LoiKrathong Festival
Originated in Asian practice of paying respect to the spirits of the waters
Traditional Japanese theatre form features actors wearing heavy makeup and elaborate costumes
Pahiyas Festival
Throughcolorfuldecorationofhouses, the small towns of Quezon province are magically transformed from an ordinary to an exquisite sight
A physical activity that consists of sequences of movement, wherein it becomes the medium for sensing, understanding and communicating ideas, feelings and experiences through artistic body movements
A dance which refers to the rhythmic sticks producing the accompaniment of the dance
The step pattern of "heel-place, close" Also used in Sua-Ku-Sua Dance
Classified as courtshipdance
Second Position
Fundamental dance position of the arms used in the first figure of Sua-ku Sua
Figure of Sua-Ku-Sua
1. Place R heel forward, arms sideward, take six steps in place, move hands as shown in Figure 1
2. Place R heel forward two times
3. Take four steps turning right about in place, arms and hand movements (a)
4. Repeat all (a-c). Finish the turn until you are facing your partner
The pattern: step, step, step, and so on
Arms in lateral-dance position
Both arms being on one side at shoulder level, either right or left
Step pattern: Step, close, step
Set dance formation
Used if there are two or more couples dancing
Your friend invited you to drink in a bar
Say No, I don't want to drink
Peer pressures
A best teenage reason to avoid smoking. Say, "No thanks, I have more important things to enjoy than smoking."
RA 9211
The law governing tobacco production, distribution, and use, otherwise known as "TheTobacco RegulationActof2005."
DuetoPeerPressure, reason why teenagers smoke according to healthexperts
To avoid taking in cigarettes or alcohol
Suggestanother activity
Gateway Drugs
The type of drugs that is commonly abused and may lead to the use of prohibited drugs
Digestive System
Part of your body will be affected when you drink alcohol
Blood Alcohol Content
High level of blood alcohol content
The person experienced a strong state of depression, nausea, disorientation, dizziness, increased motor impairment, blurred vision, and further impaired judgment
Mainstream smoke
Type of smoke comes out of the filtered end of a cigarette and is directly inhaled by smokers