chapter 5

Cards (9)

  • Australian laws and regulations 

    advertising law: ban any ads that promote smoking and restrict the display of tobacco products
    tobacco packaging : no logos plan color and large graphic warning
    smoke free laws : no smoking indoors publicly
    age limit : cant buy sell or supply under 18
  • quit Victoria
    Quitline : free phone service to answer questions and supporting quitting smoking
    Quitcoach : free online service that provides personalized quit smoking plans
    quit tips hub : website with tips facts and stories
    quit education online training : training for health professionals
  • national tobacco campaign
    • anti smoking ads
    • quit smoking digital apps and support services
    • resources in different languages
    • partnership with mental health organization
    • resource kits for prison
  • Australian laws and regulations Ottawa charter of health promotions 

    create supportive environment-enforces smoke free laws prohibit people from smoking indoors which reduce second hand exposure to smoke therefor creating a supportive physical environment
  • Australian laws and regulation build healthy public policies 

    laws restricting the age which people can purchase tobacco products reflects it as makes it easier for young people to avoid smoking and develop an unhealthy habit
  • Quit Victoria develop personal skills 

    provides information and resources about smoking and the benefits of not smoking
    also representant through Quitline with advice and strategies about quitting smoking enabling them to make decision to improve health and wellbeing
  • quit Victoria reorient health services 

    provides free online training for healthcare professionals free online education. allowing health professionals to develop necessary skills to support their patient seek treatment for tobacco addiction
  • national tobacco campaign strengthen community action 

    it involves numerous parties collaborating and working together to combat smoking in Australia
  • national tobacco campaign create a supportive environment 

    creates informative resources in multiple languages. this ensures that all people can assess and understand health promotion resources removing the language barrier