The job analysis process is the systematic collection, organization, interpretation, and reporting of information about jobs.
Job analysis
The process of gathering, analyzing, and structuring information about a job's components, characteristics, and requirements
Job evaluation
The process ofdeterminingajob'sworth
Importance of job analysis
Job description
Thewritten result of the job analysis, serving as the basis for many HR activities
Job analysis for employee selection
Facilitates the selection of tests or development of interview questions to determine if applicants possess the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities
Job analysis for training
Yields lists of job activities that can be systematically used to create training programs
Job analysis for personpower planning
Determines worker mobility within an organization and what other jobs individuals can be promoted to
Job analysis for performance appraisal
When properly administered and utilized, job-related performance appraisals can serve as an excellent source of employee training and counseling
Job analysis for job classification
Enables classifying jobs into groups based on similarities in requirements and duties, useful for determining pay levels, transfers, and promotions
Job analysisfor job evaluation
Provides information to determine the worth of a job
Job analysis for job design
Determines the optimal way in which a job should be performed, eliminating wasted and unsafe motions
Jobanalysis for compliance with legal guidelines
An acceptable way to directly determine job relatedness
Jobanalysis for organizational analysis
Identifies problems within an organization that can then be used to correct issues and help the organization function better
Parts of a job description
Job title
Work activities
Tools and equipmentused
Jobcompetencies (jobspecification)
A body of information needed to perform a task
The proficiency to perform a certain task
A basic capacity for performing a wide range of different tasks, acquiring knowledge, or developing a skill
Personal factors such as personality, willingness, interest, and motivation, and tangible factors like licenses, degrees, and years of experience
Who can conduct a job analysis
Trainedindividualin the HR department
Graduate studentsfrom I/O psychology programs with job analysis training and experience
Job crafting
The informal changes that employees make in their jobs
Steps in conducting a job analysis
Identify the useof the information
Reviewrelevant background information
Methods for collecting job analysis information
Participant diary/log
Job evaluation
The process of determining the worth of a job
Internal pay equity
Comparing jobs within an organization to ensure people in jobs worth the most money are paid accordingly
Stepsindetermining internal pay equity
Determine compensable factors
Determine levels for each factor
Assign weights to each factor
Convert weights to points for each factor
Assign points to each level within a factor
Assign points to jobs
Run regression to determine how well points predict salary midpoints
Compensable factors
Factors used to determine the worth of a job, such as responsibility, complexity/difficulty, skill needed, physical demands, and work environment
Examples of compensable factor levels
Education: High school degree or less, Two year college degree, Bachelor's degree, Master's degree
Responsibility: Makes no decisions, Makes decisions for self, Makes decisions for 1-5 employees, Makes decisions for more than 5 employees
Physical demands: Lifts no heavy objects, Lifts objects between 25 and 100 pounds, Lifts objects more than 100 pounds
External pay equity
Determining the worth of a job by comparing it to the external market (other organizations)
Determining external pay equity
Involves conducting salary surveys to obtain information on salary ranges, starting salaries, actual salaries paid, and benefits offered by other organizations