IB History Year 1 Paper 1 Review

Cards (19)

    • Impact of Fascism on the foreign policies of Italy:
    • Desire to restore the Roman Empire -> Mediterranean & African expansion -> Invasion of Albania & Abyssinia
    • National superiority -> Issues with the treaty of Versailles -> Attempt at revisions to Treaty of Versailles
  • Impact of Nazism on the Foreign Policies of Germany:
    • Lebensraum i.e “Living Space” -> Expansion into Eastern Europe
    • Aryan Supremacy -> Desire to reunite German people -> Anschluss & Sudetenland
    • Loss of land in TOV -> Perceived injustice -> Re-occupation of the Ruhr & the Rhine
  • Impact of Domestic Economic Conditions on the Foreign Policy of Germany:
    • Failure of the Dawes Plan + Great Depression + Hyperinflation -> Desire for “Autarky” (self-sufficiency) -> Occupation of the Rhineland
    • Changing diplomatic alignments in Europe; 
    • Franco-Soviet Treaty of Mutual Assistance (1935)
    • German Rearmament + Withdrawal from League of Nations = France and Soviet Unions felt threatened -> Franco-Soviet Treaty of Mutual Assistance
    • Anglo-German Naval Agreement (May 1935):
    • Allowed creation of German navy in relation to the British navy
    • Anti-Comintern Pact (1936):
    • Breaking of Italian and German diplomatic isolation
    • The end of collective security:
    • Failure of the League of Nations 
    • Absence of the United StatesDeparture of Japan (1933) and Germany (1935)
    • Inability to prevent Manchuria (1931) and Abyssinia (1935)
    • Geneva Disarmament Conference (1924-34)
    • Lack of international cooperation -> German withdrawal
    • Appeasement:
    • Great Depression + Memories of WW1 = Reluctance for War -> Appeasement
    • Distrust of the Soviet Union + Misjudgment of Hitler= Siding with Hitler against the Communists
    • Reoccupation of the Rhineland (1936): Violation of TOV, No action from Britain & France
    • Anschluss (1938): Unification with Austria
    • Munich Agreement (1938): Agreement regarding German annexation of the Sudetenland, emboldened Hitler
    • German challenges to the post-war settlements (1933–1938) 
    • Treaty of Versailles:
    • Territorial Losses + Disarmament + Reparations + War Guilt Clause = Hatred against the Treaty of Versailles, facilitated Nazi activities to overturn the treaty
    • Rearmament (April 1935): Violation of TOV
    • Anschluss with Austria (1938): Violation of TOV and Treaty of St. Germain-en-Laye (1919)
    • Sudetenland (1938): Violation of the creation of Czechoslovakia
    • Causes of Italian Expansion:
    • Fascist Ideology -> Desire to create a “New Roman Empire”
    • Anger towards lack of territory gain after the TOV
    • Resources for Italian Economic development
    • Impact of Domestic Economic Conditions on the Foreign Policy of Italy
    • High employment during the war effort -> high unemployment post-war -> need to recreate the war effort
    • Need for oil -> Invasion of Abyssinia
  • Italian expansion into Abyssinia:
    • October 1935-May 1936
    • Italian troops had much more advanced weaponry than Abyssinian troops
    • Utilized chemical weapons and cruelty
    • Italian Expansion into Albania (1939)
    • Positioning in the Balkans -> strategic importance + ideological value for “Neo Roman Empire”
    • Significant Italian influence & diplomatic pressures on Albania (June 1935 Durres Demands)
    • Invasion lasted from April 7th to April 10th
    • Lack of a response emboldened both Mussolini and Hitler
    • German expansion (1938–1939)
    • Anschluss with Austria (March 1938)
    • Sudetenland Crisis & Munich Agreement (October 1938)
    • Occupation of Czechoslovakia (March 1939)
    • Memel Region from Lithuania (March 1939)
    • Pact of Steel (1939)
    • Italy and Germany both diplomatically isolated after their expansions
    • Established a mutual military alliance
    • Nazi–Soviet Pact (August 1939)
    • Exclusionary diplomacy of Britain & France, pushed the Soviets towards the Nazis
    • Divided up Eastern Europe between the Nazis and the Soviets
    • Enabled Nazi invasion of Poland knowing that Soviets would not intervene
    • Outbreak of War:
    • September 1st, 1939: German blitzkrieg invasion of Poland
    • September 3, 1939: Britain & France declare war on Germany
    • September 17th, 1939: Soviet Invasion of Poland
    • International response to German aggression (1933–1938
    • Britain: Attempt to prevent another war through appeasement
    • France: Wanted to appease Germany, political turmoil
    • USSR: Exclusionary Diplomacy of Britain & France, Nazi-Soviet Pact
    • USA: Isolationist policies
    • International response to Italian aggression (1935–1936)
    • League of Nations: Economic Sanctions, major powers reluctant to challenge Italy,
    • Britain + France: Saw italy as a potential counter to Germany, Hoare-Laval Pact to partition Abyssinia
    • International response to German and Italian aggression (1940)
    • USA: Neutrality Acts
    • LON: Economic Sanctions, Trade Embargoes, 
    • Britain & France: Massive Remobilization
  • Impact of Domestic Economic Issues on the Foreign Policy of Italy:
    • Economic policy −→ Plan to boost industries and modernise military
    • Lack of oil and natural resources -> Expansionist sentiment