1. Priest and ministers process from Sacristy to Sanctuary and Altar
2. Congregation stands and sings to express unity in Christ
The Greeting
1. Priest extends blessing of the sign of the cross
2. Invocation such as "The Lord be with you"
3. People respond "And with your spirit"
Penitential Rite
1. Priest calls for silence and examination of conscience
2. Kyrie ("Lord Have Mercy/Christ Have Mercy/Lord Have Mercy") is said
1. Festive hymn glorifying God, Blessed Virgin Mary and all the saints
2. Said or sung on Sundays outside of Lent and Advent
Opening Prayer
1. Formula "Let us pray" is used
2. Prayer exhorts people to prepare to hear and listen to the Word of God
The Readings
First Reading
Responsorial Psalm
Second Reading
Gospel Acclamation
The Gospel
First Reading
Usually taken from Old Testament
Expresses emotions and experiences to which ordinary humans can relate
Connected in some way to the Gospel
Responsorial Psalm
Usually taken from Old Testament Book of Psalms
Chanted or sung with people responding with antiphon at end of each verse
Second Reading
Usually taken from New Testament Letters and books outside of the Gospels
Said on Sunday, Holy days of obligation and Feast days
Gospel Acclamation
Alleluia (Hebrew for "Praise God") is always sung
Omitted during Lent
The Gospel
1. People stand in reverence
2. Priest begins with "The Lord be with you"
3. Proclaimer announces the gospel
4. People respond "Glory to you, Lord"
5. People make sign of cross on book, forehead, lips and breast
6. Greek for "Good News"
1. Priest explains the word the people have just heard and how they should apply it to their lives
2. Must be given on Sundays and Holy Days
Profession of Faith
1. Congregation says the Creed on Sundays and solemnities
2. Expresses belief in God, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit
3. Nicene Creed normally used, Apostles' Creed used for Masses for Children
General Intercessions
1. Petitions that the people and the Church place before God and are usually said by the Deacon or other minister.
2. People respond "Lord, hear our prayer"
3. Priest says short concluding prayer
Preparation of the Altar and the Gifts
1. Offertory song sung
2. Ministers place corporal, purificators, chalice on Altar
3. Congregation brings gifts to Priest to symbolize mutual participation
Blessing of the Bread
1. Priest says "Blessed are you, Lord, God of all creation..."
2. People respond "Blessed be God for ever"
Blessing of the Wine
1. Priest says "Blessed are you, Lord, God of all creation..."
2. People respond "Blessed be God for ever"
Washing of Hands
Priest washes hands saying "Lord, wash away my iniquity; cleanse me of my sins"
Invitation to Prayer
1. Priest says "Pray, my dear people, that our sacrifice may be acceptable..."
2. People respond "May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands..."
Invoking the Holy Spirit to come upon the gifts
(Greek for "memory")Recollection of the institution of the Eucharist by Christ in the Last Supper
The consecration of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ while still retaining their physical form
Communion Rite
1. Praying the "Our Father"
2. Offering sign of peace
3. Breaking of the Bread
4. Communion
Receiving Communion
1. Communion may be received under either species (bread or wine)
2. Minister says "The body/blood of Christ" and communicant responds "Amen"
Prayer After Communion
Priest says short prayer summing up the gift received
Concluding Rite
1. Priest extends blessing of the sign of the cross
2. Priest says "The Mass is ended, go in peace"
3. People respond "Thanks be to God"
The Priest offers the gifts of the consecrated host and chalice, as well as ourselves, to the Lord.
Prayer for the Pope, bishops, clergy and all the faithful.
(Greek: doxa, "praise" and logos “word”) The Priest says or chants "Through him, with him, in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, almighty Father, for ever and ever." The people respond "AMEN."
The invocation "The Lord be with you" is used, to which the people respond "And also with you." As at the beginning of Mass, this is used to focus the people's attention to the worship at hand.
We begin to give thanks with the following: Priest: "Lift up your hearts" People: "We lift them up to the Lord" Priest: "Let us give thanks to the Lord our God" People: "It is right and just." The Priest then says a short prayer.
The "Holy, Holy, Holy" prayer comes from several sources:
"Holy, Holy, Holy, God of power and might" - Isaiah 6:3