Investigate if systematicdesensitisation is still an effective method of treating the phobia of flying
How successful SD is in comparison to receiving notreatment
Volunteer sample in advert to take part in a free-of-chargeintervention program aimed at treating the fear of flying
41 P's 20P in experimental group and 21 in control group (matched pairs)
Pre-test using interview, selfreport (fearscalebefore flight, during and w out involvement), and physiological measures
Procedure 2
Next 8 weeks, had 2one-hour sessions of therapy broken into 3:
Relaxation and imagination training (breathingexercises)
Developing and working through fear hierarchy
SystematicDesensitisation – exposure to fear while doing techniques
Each P took 2 flights within 7 days of therapy being completed
Post test – interview, self-report measures, physiological measures
EMV (fear scale) for experimental condition went from 25.6 before, to 13.25 after, compared to 26.03 to 25.81 with the control
Significant difference in the fear of flying between those who received SD and those who did
SystematicDesensitization is a successful way of treating the fear of flying. This is because:
Training in breathing and relaxation was thorough
Hierarchy was sloped carefully – no repetition
Imagination situations used first – very gradual
:) Practical Applications
airlines have benefited as they can help their passengers overcome fear of flying. T/f increase business
:) Mundane Realism
task of therapy was genuine, so realistic to everyday therapy. T/f findings on SD can be generalised to a wider pop
:( Unethical - Protection from harm
the 21 P's in the control group weren't given therapy, but were stillmade to take 2 flights eventhough they had fears. T/f unethical as didn’t protect ppants
:( Demand Characteristics
ppants had to do a pre-test and post-test, so may have guessed the true aim of the study, and changed their behaviour to favour/sabotage the findings. T/f lacks internal validity