
Cards (9)

  • AIM
    • Investigate if systematic desensitisation is still an effective method of treating the phobia of flying​
    • How successful SD is in comparison to receiving no treatment
    • Volunteer sample in advert to take part in a free-of-charge intervention program aimed at treating the fear of flying​
    • 41 P's 20P in experimental group and 21 in control group (matched pairs)​
    • Pre-test using interviewself report (fear scale before flight, during and w out involvement), and physiological measures​
  • Procedure 2
    • Next 8 weeks, had 2 one-hour sessions of therapy broken into 3:​
    • Relaxation and imagination training (breathing exercises)​
    • Developing and working through fear hierarchy​
    • Systematic Desensitisationexposure to fear while doing techniques​
    • Each P took 2 flights within 7 days of therapy being completed​
    • Post test – interview, self-report measures, physiological measures​
  • Findings
    • EMV (fear scale) for experimental condition went from 25.6 before, to 13.25 after, compared to 26.03 to 25.81 with the control​
    • Significant difference in the fear of flying between those who received SD and those who did
  • Conclusion
    • Systematic Desensitization is a successful way of treating the fear of flying. This is because:​
    Training in breathing and relaxation was thorough​
    Hierarchy was sloped carefully – no repetition​
    Imagination situations used first – very gradual
  • :) Practical Applications
     airlines have benefited as they can help their passengers overcome fear of flying. T/f increase business​
  • :) Mundane Realism
     task of therapy was genuine, so realistic to everyday therapy. T/f findings on SD can be generalised to a wider pop
  • :( Unethical - Protection from harm
    the 21 P's in the control group weren't given therapy, but were still made to take 2 flights even though they had fears. T/f unethical as didn’t protect ppants​
  • :( Demand Characteristics
    ppants had to do a pre-test and post-test, so may have guessed the true aim of the study, and changed their behaviour to favour/sabotage the findings. T/f lacks internal validity​