1. Define the knowledge domains that the test will assess
2. Support with research or literature
3. Write a concise definition of the construct
4. Operationalize the construct in terms of observable and measurable behaviors
5. Set boundaries for test domain
The Type of Population
1. Identify the specific group of individuals the test is intended for
2. Sampling method
The Objectives of the Test
1. Must be within the framework of the test purpose
2. Must be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Bound)
3. Identify/indicate the possible conditions and uses of the test
Scaling Method
The means through which the behavior samples will be gathered and scored
Test Format
The type of questions the test will contain
Consists of a stimulus and a mechanism for response
Test Formats
Objective (one correct response)
Subjective (no designated correct response)
Specifying Administration and Scoring Methods
1. Mode of administration (written, oral, computer)
2. Time limit
3. Individual or group administration
4. Who will score the test
Cumulative Scoring Model
Test taker receives one point for each correct answer
Categorical Scoring Model
Used to place test takers in a particular group or class
Scores of 0-69 indicate a need for immediate attention, including whether the job is the right fit and the test taker is committed to the organization's success
Scores of 70-100 indicate a strong foundation for a positive attitude at work, with room for improvement in specific areas