Cards (10)

  • Overflow error - store a larger value than the program can handle
  • Syntax errors - typos
  • Runtime error - divide by 0
  • Compile time error - use variables that are not declared
  • Logic error - program runs but it's doing what it should do - example: incorrect math produces a wrong answer
  • example of runtime errors - when the code starts to run, but then reaches a value that causes an error. Divide by a variable whose value could sometimes (but not always be zero)
  • example of compile time error - happens when the program crashes instantly (never runs at all). Undeclared variables are the best way to create compile time error
  • Acceptable values - cause the program to behave as intended. For ex, in a gradebook program, acceptable values may be integers 0-100.
  • Testing - the goal of testing is to make sure the program behaves as intended in all cases
  • test set/test case- A set of values that utilizes every possible path through the program. A set of numerical or other responses, each causing different conditional statements to execute. Each item in the test set is a test case. Ex. value == True and value == False