Capillary Puncture

Cards (28)

  • Capillary Puncture
    Method for obtaining specimens in infants or when venipuncture is challenging.
  • Heelstick
    Method for collecting specimens from infants under 6 months.
  • Fingerstick
    Method for collecting specimens from patients over 6 months.
  • Lancet
    Device used for capillary collection to make an incision.
  • Microcollection Containers
    Containers used for collecting capillary blood specimens.
  • Microhematocrit Tubes
    Tubes used for capillary blood collection for hematocrit measurements.
  • Warming devices
    Equipment used to warm the incision site for capillary blood collection.
  • Capillary Blood Gas Equipment (CBG)

    Equipment used for collecting capillary blood gas specimens.
  • Arterial Blood
    Type of blood specimen collected from an artery.
  • Venous Blood
    Type of blood specimen collected from a vein.
  • Capillary Blood
    Type of blood specimen collected from capillaries.
  • Indications for Capillary Puncture
    Reasons for performing capillary puncture on adults, children, and infants.
  • Order of Draw
    Sequence for drawing and collecting blood in tubes to prevent contamination.
  • Selecting Puncture Site
    Process of choosing the site for capillary blood collection.
  • Warm Site
    Procedure of warming the incision site before capillary blood collection.
  • Clean and Air-Dry Site
    Step to sanitize and dry the incision site before capillary blood collection.
  • Prepare Equipment
    Arranging sterilized collection devices for capillary blood collection.
  • Discard Lancet
    Step to dispose of the lancet after capillary blood collection.
  • Fill and Mix Tubes
    Process of collecting blood in tubes in the order of draw.
  • Apply Pressure
    Step to place gauze and apply pressure on the incision site after blood collection.
  • Label Specimen
    Step to identify and label the collected blood specimen.
  • Dispose of Materials
    Step to discard used and contaminated materials after blood collection.
  • Transport Specimen
    Process of transferring the collected blood specimen to the lab.
  • Routine blood smears
    Preparation of blood films to check abnormalities in blood cells.
  • Thick blood smear
    Preparation to detect malaria in peripheral blood smears.
  • Neonatal Bilirubin collection
    Collection method to assess liver disorders in infants.
  • Newborn screening
    Routine test for inborn disorders in infants.
  • Blood spot collection
    Collection of blood drops through heel stick for newborn screening.