Cards (20)

  • Alcohol - a colorless, bitter-tasting substance that humans have been consuming since ancient times.
  • Alcohol comes from plants that underwent fermentation
  • Grains to Beer
  • Grapes to Wine
  • Isopropyl - known as “rubbing alcohol”. It is colourless, flammable chemical compound with a strong odor
  • Methanol - found in cleaning solvents, paint removers and etc.
  • Ethanol - “beverage alcohol”
  • Beer alcohol content - 2-6
  • Wine alcohol content - 7-24
  • Liquor alcohol content - 12-55
  • Hepatitis - inflammation of the liver
  • Cirrhosis - liver cells are replaced with useless scar tissue
  • Brain damage - alcohol interferes with brain’s communication pathways, and can affect the way the brain looks and works
  • Blood Alcohol Concentration - metric used to measure the amount of alcohol in a person’s blood stream
  • Gateway drugs - types of commonly used drugs that are believed to lead the use of other are addictive drugs.
  • Cigarette - cylidrical roll wrapped in paper with shredded or ground tobacco inside.
  • Smoking reduces fertility in both men and women
  • Mainstream Smoke - smoke that the smoker directly inhales
  • Sidestream smoke - smoke that comes out of the lighted end of the cigarette or pipe.
  • Third-Hand smoke - smoke left for a protracted time.