> It is the process of influencing others toward goal achievement. > Have the initiative, ability and confidence to
innovate change, motivate and mentor others.
> It is the process of persuasion and by example in which an individual induces a group to take action that is in accord with the leader’s purposes or the shared purposes of all.
Nursing Leadership
It is an employee of anorganization who is given authority, power and responsibility for planning, organizing, coordinating, directing the work of others and for establishing and evaluating standards.
May not be appointed to the position
Have the power and authority to enforce decisions as long as the followers are willing to be lead.
Insterested in risk taking and exploring new ideas.
Relate to individuals personally in an intuitive and empathetic manner.
Feel rewarded by personal achievements.
May or may not be successful as managers
Manage relationship
Focus on individuals
Roles of a Leader
Are appointed officially to the position
Have power and authority to enforce decisions
Maintain an orderly controlled and rational structure.
Relate to individuals according to their roles.
Feel rewarded when fulfilling organizational goals.
Are managers as long as the appointment holds
Manage resources
Focus on systems
Roles of a Manager
Enables people to work more effectively together in a state of interdependence
Stephen Covey
3 Elements
Influence, Groups, Goal
Characteristics contained in most persons who are leaders
Ability to enlist cooperation, popularity and prestige, sociability, interpersonal skills, social participation, tact/diplomacy
Achievement drive, desire to excel, conscientiousness in pursuit of goals, persistence against obstacles/tenacity/ determine
Work Related Charateristics
Chosen by the administration and given official or authority to act.
Formal or Appointed
Does not have official sanction, chosen by the group itself. They become leaders because of age, seniority, special competencies, an inviting personality or ability to communicate with others.
Leadership Styles
* Authoritarian Leadership
* Democratic Leadership
* Laissez-Faire Leader
* Employee-Centered Leader
> Makes the decisions and expects subordinates to follow.> Productivity is usually high, but creativity, self motivation, and autonomy are reduced.
Authoritarian Leadership
Strong control is maintained over thework group> Others are motivated by coercion> Others are directed with commands.2. Communication flows downward3. Decision making does not involve others4. Emphasis is on difference in status5. Criticism is punitive.
Authoritarian Leader
> Allows other to participate in the decision making.> Appropriate for groups who work together for extended periods, promotes autonomy and growth in individual.
Democratic Leadership
Less control is maintained 2. Economic and ego awards are used to
3. Others are directed through suggestions and guidance
4. Communication flows up and down
5. Decision making involves others
6. Emphasis is on “we” rather
than “I” and “You”.
7. Criticism is constructive
Democratic Leadership
Non directed leadership, defers the decisionsmaking to his or her followers.
Laissez-Faire Leader
Is permissive , with little or no control2. Motivates by support when requested by the group or individuals.3. Use upward and downward communication between members of the group.4. Places emphasis on the group.5. Does not criticize.
Laissez-Faire Leader
> Focused on the human needs of the employee, job centered is concerned with schedules and tasks.> Believes in delegating decision-making and in helping followers satisfy their needs by providing a supportive work environment
Employee-Centered Leader
Emphases interpersonal relationships and is sometimes associated with a participatory approach in which leaders seek to involve other people in the process such as subordinates, peers, superiors and other stakeholders(Saiyadain, 2003)
Employee-Centered Leader
Employees prefer security, direction and minimal responsibility and need coercion and threats to get job done.
Theory X (Douglas McGregor)
Employees enjoy their work, can show selfcontrol and discipline, are creative and intrinsically motivated by their work.
Theory Y (Douglas McGregor)
Focus on collective decision-making, long-term employment, use of quality circles and holistic concern and mentoring.
Theory Z (William Ochi)
Leader has low concern for people and uses threats and fear-based methods to achieve performance. Communications are entirely downward and concerns are ignored.
Exploitative-authoritative (Rensis Likert)
Characterized by upward flow of information and leader is making genuine efforts to listen carefully to ideas.
Consultative-democratic (Rensis Likert)
Leader uses reward to encourage appropriate performance and listens more to concern of subordinates but almost all major decisions are made centrally.
Benevolent-authoritative (Rensis Likert)
Leaders makes maximum use of participative methods, engaging people lower down the organization in making decisions. People are closer together and work together at all levels.
Participative-democratic (Rensis Likert)
Involves centralized decision-making, with the leader making decisions alone and using coercive power to command and control. Leads to hostility and aggression.
Autocratic Leadership (Kurt Lewin)
Is participatory with authority delegated to others. The leader uses expert power and having close personal relationships. Leads to increased productivity and job satisfaction.
Democratic Leadership (Kurt Lewin)
Is passive and permissive and the leaders defers decision making. Leads to low productivity and employee frustration.
Laissez-faire (Kurt Lewin)
Has the ability to inspire and motivate people to do more than they normally do despite obstacle and personal sacrifice.
Charisma – a fire that ignites followers’ energy and commitment, producing results above and beyond the call of duty.
Charismatic Leadership Theory
They have special ability to bring about innovation and change by recognizing followers’ needs and concern. They create significant change in both followers and of the organization.
Transformational Leadership Theory
A model of leadership that describes the relationship between leadership styles and specific organizational situations. Uses different plans to be used in case an emergency arises.
Contigency Theory
The leader facilitates task accomplishment by minimizing obstructions to the goals and by rewarding followers for completing their tasks. Low budget, burn-out of nurses, low productivity etc. are some obstacles.