
Cards (12)

  •  test for the presence of reducing sugars in a solution

    Benedict’s test
  • benedict's test colors:
    blue - no sugar
    green or yellow - traces of reducing sugar
    orange -moderate amount of sugars
    red- large amounts of reducing sugars
  •  test for the presence of starch
    iodine test
  • iodine test colors
    dark blue - contains starch,
    a brown or orange-brown - no starch
  •  test for the presence of fats or oils in a food
    Ethanol emulsion test
  • test for the presence of protein
    Biuret test
  • Biuret test
    protein-- purple
    no protein-- remains blue
  • material needed for benedicts test
    Benedict’s solution
  • materials needed for iodine test

    iodine solution
  • materials needed for ethanol emulsion test
  • materials needed for biuret test
    biuret reagent
  • ethanol emulsion test
    if there is oil or fats -- cloudy with small bubbles.
    If there is not any oil or fats -- transparent