cognitive approach to treating depression

Cards (6)

  • cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) 1

    assumes if depression is result of irrational thinking, can be treated by challenging irrational thought and replacing them with more rational ones - 1st client made aware not events themselves making them anxious but how they think about events (ABCDE model) - 2nd client asked to gather evidence of negative thinking occurring in a diary so they can be targeted
  • cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) 2
    taught to write contents of ABC after experiencing difficult situation e.g. Activating event (A) people laughing - Belief (B) they're laughing at me - Consequence (C) irrational belief leads to unhealthy emotions (depression) - 3rd encouraged to dispute (D) irrational belief by writing challenging beliefs about event (laughing at own joke) - practicing allows person to do this themselves in their head when situation arises - thinking more rationally and disputing belief, should fell Effect (E) of less anxious having positive effect on behaviour
  • CBT EVALUATION - effective

    CBT generally done well in outcome studies - March found CBT just as effective as drugs in treating depression (both effective for 81% of patients) - seems to work in most cases
  • CBT EVALUATION - doesn't have side effects
    unlike biological treatments like antidepressant drugs CBT doesn't have any unintended negative side effects - e.g. antidepressant drugs have been known to cause indigestion, blurred vision and loss of sex drive - less drawbacks of drug therapy
  • CBT EVALUATION - beneficial for economy
    estimated mental health issues cost English economy around £22.5 billion a year and effective treatments can help reduce this - e.g. CBT may reduce unnecessary healthcare costs on treatments for depression that don't work and reduce number of days people have off work sick so improve productivity - economic benefits
  • CBT EVALUATION - blames the patient
    unlike drug therapies assume depression caused by neurotransmitter imbalances and out of persons control, CBT suggests depression is result of persons thinking which they can control - e.g. suggests to patient they can change the way they think - places large burden of blame onto person already prone to negative thoughts