
Cards (10)

  • behavioural characteristics
  • cognitive symptoms include irrational thoughts about the danger of the situation or object, distorted thinking, catastrophic thinking, negative self-evaluation, fear of losing control, fear of death, fear of embarrassment, fear of being judged by others.
  • emotional characteristics
  • explaining phobias
    mowre two model process
    the two model process explains how classical conditioning acquires the phobia where as operant conditioning maintains the phobia.
  • classical conditioning
  • operant conditioning
    negative reinforcement sue to the individual avoiding the negative situation due to it having a undesirable consequence which keeps reproducing avoidance -- avoiding the behaviour means phobia remains because it isn't being exposed to the patient
  • e.g. little Albert
    when the rat was present they made a loud bang
    overtime Albert associated the loud bang with the rat which made him fear the rat
    when showed the rat alone= Albert scared of it
  • Treating phobias
    -flooding = exposure with no lead up
    -systematic desensitisation = gradual exposure to phobic stimuli
  • Flooding
    exposing patient to phobic stimulus with no gradual buildup
    -only needs one session
  • systematic desensitisation
    exposure gradually through classical conditioning
    1.anxiety hierarchy