RE Paper 1 quotes

Cards (22)

  • Catholic beliefs on God creating the world

    God is omnipotent-CCC 'God alone created the universe without any help'
    Evolution - Pope John Paul 'God created human beings and let them develop'
    St Augustines confessions - 'You created out of nothing'
    'In the begining God created the heavens and the earths'
  • Other views on origins of universe
    Stephen Hawkings on BB - 'The universe can and will create itself from nothing'
  • Catholic to sanctity of life
    Catherine of sienna - all human life is dignified because it is made imago dei
  • creation ex nihilo

    'Out of nothing'. For example catholics believe god created the world ex nihilo
  • evolution
    the process of natural selection and mutation which leads to a gradual change over time. For example Catholics accept the theory of evolution along the creation story as it proves the variety of lives
  • imago dei

    'made in gods image and likeness' . For example catholics believe humans are made imago dei
  • inspiration
    'God breathed' . The belief that the spirit of God guides an individual to act or write what is true
  • Omnipotence
    The belief that God is all powerful
  • revelation
    The way that God reveals himself to the humanity. For example Catholics believe that god revealed himself to humanity through jesus
  • Stewardship
    The duty to care for creation and protect it for future generations. For example catholics believe God gifted us the world and therefore we should look after it
  • Transcendence
    existing outside of space and time. For example Catholics believe God was able to create the world due to his transcendence
  • conscience
    Human reason making moral decisions. For example Catholics believe God gave all humans a conscience to do right and avoid evil
  • Evil
    The absence of good and the impulse to seek desires at the cost of good for others which can result in suffering
  • Free will

    The decision making part of a persons mind. For example catholics believe that god gave us free will to choose between right or wrong without being controlled
  • goodness
    the quality of being like god. Seeking the wellbeing of others selflessly
  • incarnation
    'made flesh'. The catholic belief that god became man in the flesh of jesus
  • natural law

    the instinctive understanding of what is right and wrong. Every human being has this
  • privation
    the loss or absence of something that is usually present. For example evil is the privation of good
  • suffering
    pain or loss that causes harm to humans. This can come in the form of moral evil, which is caused by humans or natural evil, caused by nature
  • statues
    FOR: OT god allowed jews to make statues of cherubs and decorate the ark of the covenant
    -la pieta helps reflect suffering
    AGAINST: Do not worship any god before me
  • pilgrimage
    CCC - pilgrimages evoke our earthly journey to heaven
  • popular piety
    vatican 2 - spiritual not limited solely to participation of the liturgy