Plumbingsystems - plan for sanitary piping installation like the water distribution system, drainage of waste and sewage,and gas exhaustion.
plumbing plan - show how water is collected, transported, and distributed and how to remove liquid and human waste.
Plumbing - the art and science of installing pipes, fixtures, and other apparatus to convey and supply water in buildings.
plumbing Plan - complete drawing details of water and sewerage distribution.
sanitary and StormDrainageSystem shows the flow of water waste from the lavatory, floor drain, and downspout from the roof to storm drainage.
Fittings - devices designed to control and guide water flow, including faucets, showerheads, shutoff valves, shower valves, and drinking fountain spouts.
drain - pipe conduit for conveying groundwater, surface water, wastewater, or sewage.
Catch Basin - receptacle that retains fluids for a sufficient period.
lavatory - bathroom washbowl or basin permanently installed with runningwater.
Potable water - water satisfactory for drinking, culinary and domestic purposes.
soilpipe - pipe through which the sewage discharged from the water closet passes
waste pipe - is a pipe that carries liquid waste but not toilet sewage.
Vents Pipe - is the Pipe that provides air within the installation to prevent suction-locking in a fixture drain, thus allowing water and waste to flow freely thru pipes.
Trap - retains water at its curved section to block obnoxious sewer gases and prevent them from coming into the room.
A trap fitting is not used in a water closet because it is already incorporated in the construction of its plumbing fixtures.
stack - vertical sanitary pipe extending from floor to floor to roof in the building. It may serve as soil, vent, or waste installation
Vent pipe thru the roof - directs the harmful gases in the sanitary system up above the building roof instead of allowing them to leak inside the rooms.
socket - joining two pieces of pipes without altering the direction of the conduits.
Bend or Elbow facilitates the change direction of the piping installation.
Clean-out-with-plug is the fitting attached to the dead-end in a pipe draining waste from one or more fixtures, which has a removable plug making it possible to clean the system if it gets clogged.
Tee, SanitaryTee, and SanitaryWyes are the fittings that allow a branch to be connected to the longitudinal or main Pipe Double T's, double sanitary T's, and double sanitary Y's are also available for back-to-back branch connections.
Septictank is a watertight receptacle that receives the discharge of a plumbing system to segregate liquid from solids, digest the organic matter through a period of detention and allow the effluent to discharge into a storm drain