caregiver attachments

    Cards (10)

    • caregiver infant interactions
      • Attachment is an emotional tie or bond between two people, usually a primary caregiver and a child.
      • The relationship is reciprocal (shared), which means that it is a two-way relationship that endures over time
      • Interactions between caregivers and infants are the subject of psychological research, as they provide an insight into the type and nature of attachment
    • reciprocity
      • Reciprocity is when an infant responds to the actions of another person in a form or turn-taking. With reciprocity, the actions of one person (i.e. the primary caregiver) elicits a response from the other (i.e. the infant)
    • brezelton 1975
      • describe this interaction as a ‘dance’ because when a couple dance together they each respond to one another’s movements and rhythm
      • reciprocity as a caregiver– infant interaction is where the interaction between both individuals flows back and forth
    • feldman 2007
      • reciprocity increases in frequency as the infant and caregiver pay increasing attention to each other’s verbal and facial communications
      • showing this sensitive responsiveness, whereby the caregiver pays attention sensitively towards the infant’s behaviour, will lay the strong foundations for attachment to develop later between the caregiver and infant.
    • interactional synchrony
      • takes place when infants mirror the actions or emotions of another person, for example, their facial expressions
      • This mirroring can also be referred to as imitation or simply copying the adult’s behaviour
      • the child will move their body or carry out the same act as their caregiver simultaneously and they're synchronised
      • This interaction serves to sustain communication between the two individuals
    • meltzoff and moore 1977
      • Aim: To examine interactional synchrony in infants
      • Method: Using a controlled observation, an adult model displayed one of three facial expressions, or a hand gesture.
      • the child had a dummy placed in his/her mouth to prevent a facial response.
      • Following the display from the adult model, the dummy was removed and the child’s expressions were filmed
    • findings of meltzoff and moore 1977
      • Results: There was a clear association between the infants’ behaviour and that of the adult model.
      • Later research found the same findings in three-day-old infants
      • Conclusion: These findings suggest that interactional synchrony is innate and reduces the strength of any claim that imitative behaviour is learned.
    • AO3 filmed observations
      • care giver infant interactions were filmed in a lab
      • other activity that distracted the baby can be controlled
      • using fils mean that observations can be recorded and analysed later, which also can establish inter rater reliability of observations
      • babies dont know their being observations, so behaviour doesn't change
      • data has good reliability and validity
    • AO3 hard to interpret babys behaviour
      • babies dont move
      • observing small hand movements and changes in expression is difficult to determine from the babys perspective
      • a hand twitch is random or triggered by something the caregiver has done
      • we cant be certain that the behaviours seen in caregiver infant interactions have special meaning
    • AO3 developmental importance
      • observing a behaviour doesn't tell us its developmental importance
      • feldmen 2012
      • ideas like synchrony give names to patterns of observable caregiver and baby behaviours
      • these are reliably observed, but not useful in understanding child development as it doesn't tell us the purpose of these behaviours
      • we cant be certain from observational research alone that reciprocity and synchrony are important for childs development
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