The word "finally" has connotations of waiting a longtime for something, eventually, long awaited, relief
effective as it suggests that photographer feels releif to beaway from suffering
"Dark" also suggests a place that is away from the world, like a sanctury
Quiet, isolated, peace, place for reflection
"Spools of suffering"
Duffy uses a metaphor in which the the spoolsliterally become suffering
effective as it suggests that the spools contain only images of horror
sibilance - shows that suffering is never ending (Long S sound)
"Set out in orderedrows"
WC of "Ordered" connotations - care, structure, neat, organised
Warphotographer takes care with his job - he has respect for people in his photos - needs to find some order out of the chaos he has witnessed
Trying to makesense of the war
"As though this were a church and he a priest preparing to intone a mass"
PRIEST= connection to god, messenger of god, encouragesword of god to be spread
WP= the same except trying to showpublic truth of war/whats happening in the world
PRIEST= holiness, trustworthy, honest, truthful
Both have witnessed suffering and death in their roles, but try to make a difference to people/public
"Belfast. Beruit. Phnom Penh"
Duffy uses a list of minorsentences which is effective as it emphaises how manydifferent war zoneshe has beento and how muchsufferinghe has seen
"All flesh is grass"
Duffy uses a metaphor to show that human life is fragile
Just as grass can easilydry up and die so too can humanlife in war zones can easily be destroyed
Emphaises how fragilelife is in these places
"He has a job to do"
Duffy uses a short sentence which is effective as it is blunt and suggests the photographer is reminding himself to geton with his job and not get emotional
Statement/ serious tone
"Hands which did not tremble then, seem to now"
Duffy uses contrast of "Then" and "Now" to show how he was incontrol in the war zones so he could take photos, but now he is home and he can'thelp but feelguilty and helpless
"Rural England"
Duffy uses a minorsentence to emphaise the difference between his home and the war zones
Word "Rural" connotations: countryside, peaceful, safe, calm to show how different his world is
effective as it helps us understand why he struggles with his two contrasting lives
"Home again to ordinary pain which simple weather can dispel"
Regularpain which is insignificant to the horror of war is dispelled by simplethings such as weather wheras pain of war is incurable
war can vanish by weather
connotations: reslove, vanish, disappear
" To fields which don't explode beneath the feet"
Comparingrural landscape of farms which show comfort to the dangerous and deadlylandscape in warzones