Cards (4)

  • Fred
    Fred is a foil to Scrooges parsimonious nature. Fred's magnanimous nature juxtaposes his Uncle's misanthropy as Fred is compassionate and kind to Scrooge despite his callousness
  • Crotchets and togetherness 

    They personify benevolence and gratitude despite their lack of materialism their interconnected family unit makes them spiritually rich.
  • Quote for Cratchits - act 3
    "a goose the rarest of all birds"
  • Scrooges transmogrification
    Scrooge transmogrifies into a compassionate and benevolent member of society as he is a microsm for the avarice upper classes by becoming a paternal figure for Tiny Tim it exemplifies the power of redemption and its ability to catalyse postive reforms. QOUTE: "he was a father" (4)