Cards (55)

  • Goal programming approach establishes a specific numeric goal for each of the objective and then attempts to achieve each goal sequentially up to a satisfactory level rather than an optimal level
  • GP; Channes and Cooper (1961); Suggested a method for solving an infeasible LP
    problem arising from various conflicting resource constraints (Goals).
  • Ijiri (1965) developed the concept of preemptive priority factors, assigning different
    priority levels to incommensurable goals and different weights to the goals at the
    same priority level
  • A key idea in goal programming is that one goal is more important than another. Priorities are
    assigned to each deviational variable.
  • Goal programming models are all minimization problems.
  • In GP, there is no a single objective, but multiple goals to be attained.
  • The deviation from the high-priority goal must be minimized to the greatest extent possible before the next- highest-priority goal is considered.
  • System constraints may influence but are not directly related to goals
  • Goal constraints that are directly related to goals.
  • Goal Programming: Satisficing
  • Firms often have more than one goal
  • They may want to achieve several, sometime contradictory goals
  • It is not possible for LP to have multiple goals unless they are all measured in the
    same units, and this is a highly un usual situation.
  • In linear and integer programming methods the objective function is measured in one dimension only.
  • An important techniques that has been developed to supplement LP is called goal programming
  • In GP, instead of trying to minimize or maximize the objective function directly, as in
    case of an LP, the deviations from established goals within given set of constraints are Minimized
  • In GP, Slack and Surplus variables are known as deviational variables (di – and di +)
    (means underachievement & overachivement ); These deviations from
    each goal or sub-goal.
  • The idea of working backward by solving two well-known
    puzzles and then show how dynamic programming can be
    used to solve network, inventory, and resource-allocation
  • Dynamic programming computes its solution bottom up by
    synthesizing them from smaller sub solutions, and by trying
    many possibilities and choices before it arrives at the
    optimal set of choices.
  • richard ernest bellman (1950), a mathematician
    that coined the dynamic
    programming when he
    was writing his book “Än
    Approximate Dynamic
  • Decision theory a
    discipline addressing
    important practices to
    assess a recommended
    course of action for the
  • Properties of Dynamic Programming
    − The problem structure is divided into stages
    − Each stage has a number of states associated with it
    − Making decisions at one stage transforms one state of the current stage into a state in
    the next stage.
    − Given the current state, the optimal decision for each of the remaining states does not
    depend on the previous states or decisions. This is known as the principle of optimality
    for dynamic programming.
    − The principle of optimality allows to solve the problem stage by stage recursively.
  • States
    › Each stage has a number of states associated with it. Depending what decisions are
    made in one stage, the system might end up in different states in the next stage.
    › If a geographical region corresponds to a stage then the states associated with it
    could be some particular locations (cities, warehouses, etc.) in that region.
    › In other situations a state might correspond to amounts of certain resources which
    are essential for optimizing the system.
  • Decisions
    › Making decisions at one stage transforms one state of the current stage into a state
    in the next stage.
    › In a geographical example, it could be a decision to go from one city to another. In
    resource allocation problems, it might be a decision to create or spend a certain
    amount of a resource.
  • Deterministic DP

    Recursive solution to the problem
  • Deterministic DP

    • The principle of optimality allows to solve the problem stage by stage recursively
    • The solution procedure first finds the optimal policy for the last stage
    • The solution for the last stage is normally trivial
    • A recursive relationship is established which identifies the optimal policy for stage t, given that stage t+1 has already been solved
    • The solution procedure starts at the end and moves backward stage by stage until it finds the optimal policy starting at the initial stage
  • Optimal Policy
    An optimal policy decision at each stage for each of the possible states
  • Probabilistic DP
    Solving Inventory Problems by DP Main characteristics:
    1. Time is broken up into periods. The demands for all periods are known in advance.
    2. At the beginning of each period, the firm must determine how many units should be
    3. Production and storage capacities are limited.
    4. Each period’s demand must be met on time from inventory or current production.
    5. During any period in which production takes place, a fixed cost of production as well
    as a variable per- unit cost is incurred.
    6. The firm’s goal is to minimize the total cost of meeting on time the demands.
  • Principle of Optimality
    Given the current state, the optimal decision for each of the remaining states does not depend on the previous states or decisions
  • Geographical setting

    • The optimal route from a current city to the final destination does not depend on the way we got to the city
  • Decision Theory, a
    discipline addressing
    important practices to
    assess a recommended
    course of action for the
  • A system can be formulated as a dynamic programming problem only if the principle of optimality holds for it
  • Concept and Decision-Making Scenarios
    − A process of selecting an act out of several available alternative
    courses of action judged to be the best action according to some pre-
    determined criteria.
    − Objective: The main aim of decision theory is to help the decision–
    maker in selecting best course of action from amongst the available
    course of action.
  • Structure of Decision-Making:
    o Decision Maker – The decision maker refers to individual or a group of
    individuals responsible for making the choice of an appropriate courses of
    action amongst the available courses of action.
    o Courses of action – The alternatives courses of action or strategies are the acts
    that are available to decision maker.
    o Example – The number of units of a particular item to be ordered for stock.
  • States of nature (outcomes)

    The events identify the occurrence which are outside of the decision maker's control and which determine the level of success for a given act
  • States of nature (outcomes)

    • The level of market demand for a particular item
  • Types of decision–making:
    o Decision making under certainty
    o Decision making under uncertainty
    o Decision making under risk
  • Payoff (conditional profit values)

    Each combination of a course of action and a state of nature is associated with a payoff, which measures the net benefit to the decision maker that accrues from a given combination of decision alternatives and events
  • Payoff table
    For a given problem, lists the states of nature (outcomes) and a set of given courses of action. For each combination of state of nature and courses of action, the payoff is calculated
  • Regret or opportunity loss

    The opportunity loss has been defined to be the difference between the highest possible profit for a state of nature and the actual profit obtained for the particular action taken