Cards (5)

  • "some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life, as if... those intricate machines that register earthquakes"
  • From the start of Chapter one Nick has been infatuated with Gatsby, shown by the simile " as if those intricate machines that registered earthquakes". By comparing him to a seismometer, Nick really emphasises his admiration and regards for Gatsby indicating a bias towards him.
  • "Now he was a sturdy straw-haired man of thirty with a rather hard mouth and a supercillious manner. Two shining arrogant eyes"
  • Despite stating that he is "Inclined to reserve all judgements", almost immediately after meeting with Tom, Nick berates and degrades his appearance. This suggests Nick is contemptuous of Tom, indicating a clear bias towards Gatsby who was venerated like a Saint upon meeting him.
  • The stark contrast in the way he described Gatsby and Tom can only make the reader wonder whether Tom actually struck Myrtle or went on racist rants. This implies that Nick's narration is sometimes unreliable to favour Gatsby. Highlighting the theme of Illusion versus Reality.