Caregiver-infant interactions

    Cards (12)

    • Caregiver-infant interactions

      Meaningful social interactions between babies and their carers
    • Caregiver-infant interactions
      • Important functions for the child's social development
      • Associated with the successful development of attachments between babies and their caregiver(s)
    • Reciprocity
      An interaction where each person responds to the other and elicits a response from them
    • Reciprocal interaction is also sometimes called 'turn-taking'
    • Reciprocal interaction is an essential part of any conversation, otherwise people talk over each other
    • Alert phases

      Periodic phases where babies signal they are ready for interaction
    • Mothers typically pick up on and respond to their baby's alertness around two-thirds of the time
    • Interaction tends to become increasingly frequent and involves both mother and baby paying close attention to each other's verbal signals and facial expressions from around three months
    • Active involvement

      Babies as well as caregivers take an active role in interactions, both can initiate interactions and take turns
    • Interactional synchrony

      The temporal co-ordination of micro-level social behaviour where caregiver and baby interact in such a way that their actions and emotions mirror the other
    • Interactional synchrony begins in babies as young as two weeks old
    • High levels of interactional synchrony
      Associated with better quality mother-baby attachment
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