1. Cholesterol is the precursor
2. Some cholesterol is synthesized from acetate, but most is taken up from LDL in the circulation
3. Cholesterol ester hydrolase catalyzes the formation of free cholesterol in the lipid droplets
4. Cholesterol is transported to mitochondria by a sterol carrier protein
5. In the mitochondria, it is converted to pregnenolone
6. Pregnenolone moves to the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, where some is dehydrogenated to form progesterone
7. ACTH binds to high-affinity receptors on the plasma membrane of adrenocortical cells, activating adenylyl cyclase via Gs, leading to a prompt increase in the formation of pregnenolone and its derivatives
8. Over longer periods, ACTH also increases the synthesis of the P450s involved in the synthesis of glucocorticoids