“yet i do fearthynature,Itistoofullo’th’milkof human kindness“- act 1 scene 5 by lady macbeth
“that i may pourmyspiritsinthineear”- act 1 scene 5 by lady Macbeth
“come to my women’s breast andtakemymilkforgall, you murdering ministers“- act 1 scene 5
“come” is a command word showing her dominant and authoritative nature. “Take my milk for gall” metaphorically representing a transformation from nurturing to bitterness. Emphasises LM’s willingness to strip her femininity for a deeper sense of ruthlessness and cruelty.
"look like the innocent flowerbutbetheserpent under't" - Act 1 Scene 5
'unsexme here' - Act 1 Scene 5
"Come you spirits Thattendonmortalthoughts,unsexmehereAndfillmefromthecrowntothetoetop full Of direst cruelty!" -Lady Macbeth Act 1 Scene 5
“ a little water clearsusofthisdead“- act 2 scene 2
the use of the word “little“ highlights just how insignificant murder is to LM. she refers to “us“ which shows she sees herself as equal to her husband. She has to become more ruthless as Macbeth’s courage begins to fade, she believes she can simply wash away any sense of guilt for the murders.
"Out damned spot! Out I say!" -Act 5scene1
The repetition of the command“out” shows her desperation to rid herself of her guilt. The exclamative reveals her panickedstate and desperation to get rid of this blood.”spot” is a symbol of a bloodstain from king Duncans murder. The spot represents her inescapable guilt that has completely consumed her.
“ i would, while it was smiling in my face, havepluckedmynipplefromhisboneless gums, anddashedthebrainsout“ act 1 scene 7
“ sleek o’er your ruggedlooks.Bebrightandjovialamongyourgueststonight“ act 3 scene2
-the juxtaposition of “ rugged” and “jovial” links to the twofaced nature of Macbeths behaviour
-Macbeth is beginning to lose his mind and lady Macbeth understands that as long as he looks in control,power will remain in their hands.