Harding and Coolidge

Cards (10)

  • Harding's reputation

    - popular especially with women => promoted moderate policies and a return to normalcy
    - extra-marital affairs and corrupt inner circle damaged reputation
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    - high officials e.g. Sec of the Interior Albert Fall accused of leasing oil reserves in return for bribes (later jailed)
  • Harding's view on business (quote)

    'less government in business, more business in government
  • Andrew Mellon
    appointed as Sec of the Treasury
    - firm believer in free markets and minimal regulation of business
  • Fordney-McCumber Act

    - pushed the tariff up to high levels
    - increased purchasing power of farmers by 3%
  • Ohio Gang
    notorious for gambling, drinking and corruption
    - included Harry M. Daugherty, Harding's campaign manager
    - congress appointed special prosecutors to investigate them
  • Coolidge's reputation

    'silent cal' - do nothing president
  • 1924 Revenue Act
    big cuts in income tax
    - Coolidge big believer in small govt and low taxes
  • Mellon Plan

    - reducing taxes on wealthy and business (trickle down)
    - advocated high tariffs and cuts in government spending
  • Coolidge's Son

    died in 1924 from Sepsis
    - Coolidge blamed himself
    - became depressed