Caregiver-infant interaction A03

    Cards (5)

    • Strength of research on caregiver-infant interactions

      • Interactions are usually filmed in a laboratory
      • Other activity that might distract a baby can be controlled
      • Observations can be recorded and analysed later
      • More than one observer can record data and establish inter-rater reliability
      • Babies don't know they are being observed, so their behaviour does not change in response to observation
    • The data collected in such research should have good reliability and validity
    • Difficulty observing babies

      • Young babies lack coordination and much of their bodies are almost immobile
      • Movements being observed are just small hand movements or subtle changes in expression
      • Difficult to be sure whether a baby is smiling or just passing wind
      • Difficult to determine what is taking place from the baby's perspective
      • Cannot know whether a movement such as a hand twitch is random or triggered by something the caregiver has done
    • Difficulty observing babies means we cannot be certain that the behaviours seen in caregiver-infant interactions have special meaning
    • Developmental importance: A further limitation is that simply observing a behaviour does not tell us its developmental importance. Feldman points out that idea like synchrony (and by implication reciprocity) simply give names to patterns of observable aregiver and baby behaviours
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