Experimental Design

    Cards (8)

    • independent groups design
      - different ppts complete in each of the 2 (or more) conditions of experiment
      - ppts randomly allocated to each condition, produces unrelated data
      - ppt variables; if more ppts with a certain characteristic are randomly assigned to one group, can influence DV
    • repeated measures design
      - the same ppts complete in each of the 2 (or more) experimental conditions
      - produces related data, each ppt score in one condition can be paired with their own score in other condition
      - order effects; taking part in the 1st condition can influence performance in other conditions
    • counterbalancing
      - attempts to control order effects (does not eliminate)
      - uses ABBA format: half ppts complete condition A then B, with the other half completing condition B then A
    • adv: IDG
      - ppts less likely to work out the aim than RMD as they only take part in 1 condition; reduces demand characteristics
      - no order effects
    • disadv: IDG
      - IGD needs double the ppts compared to RMD for same amount of data
      - ppt variables; between conditions is a problem as they can only take part in one
    • adv: RMD
      - RMD needs half the ppts compared for IDG for same amount of data
      - ppt variables; not a problem as ppts take part in both conditions
    • disadv: RMD
      - ppts more likely to work out aim of study in IGD as they take part in all conditions; increases demand characteristics
      - order effects; ppt performance can improve/worsen between the conditions due to practice/fatigue
    • matched pairs design
      - different ppts complete in each of the 2 (or more) conditions
      - ppts first assessed + ranked on characteristics, then matched to make a pair, then randomly assigned to separate conditions
      - produces related data, reduced ppt variables, no order effects, ppt pairs are similar but not identical