paper 3

Cards (108)

  • Crime and deviance

    Socially constructed and culturally determined
  • Arranged marriages

    • Legal in India, illegal in UK
  • Sending children to work
    • Acceptable 100 years ago in UK, now illegal under 13
  • Rape in marriage
    • Acceptable 100 years ago, now illegal
  • Situational deviance

    Depends on the context of the behaviour
  • Being naked
    • Fine in own home, deviant in public
  • Societal deviance

    Something society agrees is inappropriate
  • Maternal deprivation
    Can lead to multiple personalities and criminality
  • Genetic abnormalities
    Can make people more aggressive and hostile
  • Brain abnormalities in psychopaths

    Shown by PET scans
  • Italian criminals
    Had abnormal physical features compared to general population
  • Genetic abnormalities
    Can make some people born criminal
  • Durkheim's positive functions of crime

    • Strengthens collective values, leads to social change, acts as safety valve, acts as warning device
  • Merton's strain theory

    Lack of norms, moral guidance, normlessness leads people to commit crime to achieve the American Dream due to inequality of access
  • Merton's 5 types of strain

    • Conformity
    • Innovation
    • Ritualism
    • Retreatism
    • Rebellion
  • Hirschi's control theory

    • People break law due to breakdown in societal bonds of attachment, commitment, involvement, belief
  • Cohen's subcultural theory

    • Working class boys lack values to achieve status, form delinquent subcultures - criminal, conflict, retreatism
  • Miller's theory

    • Male working class delinquency is normal part of macho lower-class culture, many from female headed households
  • Marxist theory

    • Capitalism is criminogenic, working class have to commit crime to survive, selective law enforcement targets working class, crime of the powerful ignored
  • Chambliss' theory

    • One law for the rich, one for the poor
  • Snider's theory

    • Capitalist state only criminalizes working class behaviour, not their own
  • Ideological functions of crime

    • Divides working class, creates false consciousness that working class are the problem, not capitalism
  • Taylor et al's neo-Marxist theory

    • Wider social origins of deviant acts, immediate origins, societal reaction and outcomes
  • Neo-Marxist agreement with Marxism

    • Economy most important, capitalism causes inequality, most crime is utilitarian to improve situation
  • Neo-Marxist view of crime

    • Voluntary, politically motivated, meaningful actions, not passive puppets
  • Labeling theory
    • Primary deviance vs secondary deviance, stereotypes determine labels, relativity of crime and deviance, consequences of labeling
  • Left realist theory

    • Focus on reality of crime, impact on victims and communities, practical policies to reduce crime
  • Right realist theory
    • Crime is real problem, biological differences and underclass cause crime, rational choice theory
  • Crime trends have fallen by 48% since peak in 1995
  • Sources of crime statistics

    • Police recorded crime
    • Victim surveys
    • Court records
    • Prison records
    • Self-report
  • There is a hidden figure of crime that is not captured in statistics
  • Perspectives on crime statistics

    • Functionalist, New Right, Right realist - accept uncritically
    • Interactionism, labeling theory - see as distortion of reality
    • Marxism, neo-Marxism - recognise systemic bias against the powerless
    • Feminism - underplay female victims
    • Left realism - have some value but typical offenders are young, working class, black males
  • Gender differences in crime

    • Women more likely to commit property crimes
    • Men more likely to commit murder, rape, sexual assault
  • Gender crime statistics may be incorrect as women are more reluctant to report certain crimes
  • Fennec feminists argue that the statistics underplay the extent of female victims as many are innocent reluctant to report domestic or sexual offences
  • Males can be victims of domestic or sexual offences and are even less likely to report it to the police
  • Official statistics have some value, they accept the typical offenders are young, working class, black males
  • Victim surveys show fear of crimes
  • A third of female prisoners committed property crimes, which is one of the most popular crimes
  • 13% of male criminals committed murder, while another 13% raped or sexually assaulted someone