Behavioural explanation

Cards (6)

  • what is the two process model - Mower

    Involves both classical + operant conditioning
    1. fear develops through classical conditioning - learn to associate object with fear
    2. fear is maintained through operant conditioning as a person learns to avoid stimulus -avoid fear through negative reinforcement
  • What is classical conditioning ?
    • an association between stimulus and response
    • Pavlov
    • aquisition-how they form
  • What is operant conditioning ?
    • consequence of an action affects whether an action is repeated or changed
    • allows formation of new behaviours
  • What is evaluation ?
    1. Reductionist
    2. little Albert
    3. dienardo
  • Why reductionist ?
    • ignored cognitive factors e.g thought processes
    • ignored individual differences
  • What dienardo ?

    study of people afraid of dogs
    • 50 % relate fear to attack
    • support classical
    • control group of ppl attacked but no phobia