Labour force survey umemployment based on ILO standards
Labour force survey features broader spectrum of the population quarterly basis voluntary + involuntary unemployment more accurate
Claimant count claiming Job seeker's allowance
Seasonal unemployment people are unemployed at particular times of the year when demand for labour is lower than usual
Frictional unemployment the result of workers searching for new employment
Cyclical unemployment demand for goods and services in an economy decreases forcing companies to lay off workers
Structural unemployment involuntary unemployment caused by a lack of skills
Demand side factors that affect unemployment consumer confidence investment business cyclesmonetary policies
supply side factors that affect unemployment technologyEducationandtraining
geographic immobility when factors of production can't reach the producers who would use them due to geographical/physical barriers
Occupational immobility When factors of production currently involved in one sector or industry cannot efficiently be used in another industry where they are demanded
event abroad affecting level of unemployment trade relations and tariffs exchange rates energy prices global financial crisis migration
economic cost of high levels of unemployment fall in economic output fall in consumer spending fall in tax revenue increase in government spending
Benefits of unemployment workers work harder to keep jobs Workers have time to search for the best job firms have greater choice