emphasized that the development of the self is a life-long process?
Erik Erikson
Each stage represents a developmental task or crisis, that a person must negotiate
Each stage marks a potential turning point toward greater competence or greater vulnerability
The more successfully people resolve the issues at each stage, the more competent they are likely to become
What are the 8 psychosocial stages of development?
Trust vs. Mistrust, Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt, Initiative vs. Guilt, Industry vs. inferiority, Identity vs. IdentityConfusion, Intimacy vs. Isolation, Generativity vs. Stagnation, Integrity vs. Despair
occurs approximately at birth to one and a half years of life?
Trust vs. mistrust
is built when a baby’s basic needs are met?
If the infant’s need is not met by responsive, sensitive caregivers, the result is?
occurs from about one and half through 3 years of age?
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
Gaining a personal sense of control is the hallmark of this developmental stage?
Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
Seeking autonomy develops a strong sense of independence
Occurs from 3 to 5 years of age, preschool years?
Initiative vs. guilt
Children are being challenged to develop purposeful behavior to cope with challenges
When asked to assume more responsibility for themeselves, children develop initiative
When allowed to be irresponsible or made feel anxious because of too much criticisms, they develop too much guilt
Erikson believed that children are ?
a sense of accomplishment quickly compensates for most guilt feelings
occurs from 6 of age until puberty?
Industry vs. inferiority
Children can achieve industry by mastering knowledge and intellectual skills
occurs from 12 to 18 years old?
Identity vs. Identity confusion
Erikson theorized that identity confusion could be expressed in two ways 1. Adoloscents may withdraw or isolate themselves from peers and family
2. Adolescents lose themselves in a crowd
18 to 40 years old
⁃ People face the developmental task of either forming intimate relationships with others or becoming socially isolated ?
Intimacy vs. isolation
John Gottman
living together in sexual relationship without marriage?
When people cohabit before marriage, they tend to be less happy in marriage and the marriage is likelier to end in a divorce than are marriages of couples who did not cohabit
35 to 60 years old?
Generativity vs. Stagnation
is the concern of establishing and guiding the next generation?
is the feeling of having done nothing to help the next generation?
60 until death?
Integrity vs. despair
A time of reflection and evaluating what we have done in our lives?
Integrity vs. despair
is the ego’s accumulated assurance of its capacity for order and meaning ( 2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought a good fight, I finished the course, and I have kept the faith ) ability to face one’s creator?
is signified by fear of one’s death?
Erikson did not believe that a proper resolution to a stage is always completely positive? true or false